Chapter 3

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A/N~ Sorry if its short, Promise to make them longer later,,Enjoy:)

Aidan was sitting in his chair looking out his office window. He was still troubled by Sebastian dating yet he knew he was being ridiculous. The man could date if he wanted to. Even if it wasn’t him Sebastian was dating, He sighs as he gets up and walks out of his office. He stops at the sight of a big bouquet of red roses and turns to his secretary Millie, raising his eyebrow in question the flowers. Millie grins at Aidan then points behind him, ‘’they’re for him not me, although I wish they were.’’ Aidan turns around only to come face to face with Sebastian. Sebastian stands there; his eyes going from Aidan to the goddamn flowers. ‘’Anniversary, or just because.’’ Aidan triesto sound friendly, and not like a jealous asshole yet it was so hard not to. Sebastian groans as he goes to the flowers. He picks out the card and reads it. ‘’Damn it. Millie, do me a favor and have them taken back to the sender.’’ Aidan looked confused at Sebastian’s reaction. Call him crazy but that did not sound like a happy man in love with his boyfriend. ‘’And if he calls don’t put him through just put him on hold until he gets tired.’’ Sebastian drawls slowly shocking Aidan even more. ‘’Mr. Wright, is everything all right?’’ Aidan’s voice sounded concern, damn it but he needed to know what was going on, hell who knows maybe they could become friends. ‘’Nothing I can’t handle, we broke up and he’s just having problems accepting that.’’ Sebastian explains to Aidan and Millie. ‘’Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get ready for my next class.’’ Sebastian smiles at them both and walks out of the office towards the gym, still smiling. Aidan seemed concern about him that was a silver line of hope, the hope he needed to try to become friends again and hopefully get back together with Aidan. Fuck, he didn’t even care why Aidan left him that time long ago, as long as Aidan wanted to come back to him and start fresh. He felt pathetic but he didn't care, if it got him Aidan he was fine with being pathetic. Sebastian was tired of being moody and mad at Aidan. He needed to be loved and shower Aidan with his love. He wouldn’t give up until Aidan told him there was no chance. ‘’Wow, coach you’re smiling, its kind of creepy.’’ Sebastian chuckles as Brody stands staring at his grinning face. ‘’What’s got you so happy, you’re boyfriend come to visit?’’ Sebastian frowned for a millisecond but let his grin return. ‘’Nope, I’m single we broke up. Now get yourself ready for gym, Brody.’’ He couldn’t help but feel a little proud of the boy; he listened and was very respectful. Aidan did good raising him. He still wanted to know how Aidan became a father, but that was something Aidan had to tell him himself and when he was ready to. His day went on with him even whistling a happy tune. Aidan went out of the office to make his rounds, he liked going around the school and see what his teachers were up to and how his students were with each other. He had a no bullying policy and wanted

make sure it was clearly enforced. However, the whole time he did his rounds, only one thing on his mind was that Sebastian Wright was single and available. Aidan didn’t know how to process the new information. Could he try to befriend him, would they be able to even get along? Aidan wanted to try; he knew he had to come clean to Sebastian about why he left and how he came to be Brody’s father. What if they both changed over the years and now have nothing in common? Hell, what if his love was all one sided. He went back to his office, pondering even more about what to do. Aidan didn’t think he could handle rejection from the only man he ever loved. He was so into his thoughts that he didn’t notice his son sitting across from him. ‘’Shit!’’ Aidan yells as his hand lies over his chest, clutching at the fabric over his heart as he willed it to stop beating. ‘’Oh, oh daddy said a cuss word.’’ Brody’s teasing made him snort and roll his eyes. He was the principal of a high school for fucks sake, not a monk. ‘’What are you doing here?’’ Aidan questions as he turns to check the time. Holy shit it was the end of the day, where did the time go so fast? ‘’I need to get home, I got a date.’’ Brody chirps happily as he stands up to hurry his dad out of his office. When they finally make it out of the school building, they both freeze at the scene in front of them. Sebastian was standing there with a blank expression on his face as his ex- Danny cries and begs him to take him back. ‘’Danny, it’s over. Please stop making a scene at my job.’’ Sebastian hisses at the smaller man. Why was he doing this to him? That was the only thing going through Sebastian’s mind. Sebastian, feeling a presence, turns to find Aidan and Brody standing there staring at them. ‘’Danny, you’re acting a fool in front of my boss.’’ Sebastian growls low and roughly grips Danny by his arm, leading him to his car. Danny yelps like a kicked puppy but Sebastian could give two shits. All he cared about was what Aidan would think if this situation continued. Danny’s sad face turns into one of anger as Sebastian pushes him into his car. ‘’Fuck you Sebastian, this isn’t over.’’ Danny yells, slamming his car door. Sebastian stayed frozen until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He slowly turns and smiles sadly at Aidan. ‘’I guess I suck at keeping relationships.’’ He meant it as a way to break the ice but regretted it right away when he Aidan flinches. ‘’Coach, are you ok?’’ Brody asks. He noticed the coach’s eyes on his dad and when he turned to his dad, right away he sees him doing the same. They were both staring at each other without blinking and Brody immediately knew there was something between his dad and the coach or there used to be. Maybe just maybe his coach could be the one to make his dad happy. ‘’Well then Mr. Wright have a nice day, we’ll see you tomorrow.’’ Aidan says after clearing his dry throat. He caught his son looking at him and Sebastian with an odd expression and Sebastian’s gaze

wasn’t really helping. All he wanted to do was to throw himself at Sebastian and beg him to fuck him. He blushed and tore his eyes away. ‘’Come on Brody we have to get going.’’ Aidan mumbles, leaving Sebastian standing and staring after them. ~*~*~*~*~*~** Sebastian was sitting on his couch, just thinking. Did he see lust in Aidan’s eyes tonight? Or was he imagining things? Maybe Aidan was as turned on as Sebastian was. He couldn’t process this, but he wanted to know what was going through Aidan's mind tonight when their gazes met. All he had to do was catch Aidan alone, maybe he could get him to talk to him and perhaps do more than talking. God willing, well actually with Sebastian's dirty thoughts it was the devil’s willing. Sebastian groans as he rubs his hard on, it was painful but he refused to jerk off by imagining being with Aidan. No, he wanted the real thing and he was going to do anything possible to get it. Aidan all sweaty and moaning his name. Sebastian got off the couch and went straight in to his bathroom to take a nice cold shower.

Pain, Love And Hate (MalexMale) TeacherxTeacherWhere stories live. Discover now