Chapter 5

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Sebastian was grinning like a psycho. Aidan wanted to talk to him, and he still couldn’t believe how Aidan had made the first move. Either way he couldn’t be happier. Sebastian’s cell phone chiming snapped him out of his reverie, alerting him of a text

‘’Oooo sir, I’m telling my dad your using a cell phone during class.’’ Brody teased and Sebastian rolls his eyes at him.

‘’Hey Brody, if I was you I would get on my good side seeing as I’m chaperoning the spring dance.’’ Sebastian chided as Brody face went pale and he lost his smirk.

‘Meet me at the coffee house 20mins after school.’ Sebastian frowned and checked the number again, realizing that the number was unknown. ‘Who is this?’ Sebastian replied. ‘Aidan.’ He gets back. Sebastian couldn’t help but feel giddy, Aidan was texting him. Of course Aidan had his number; he was the principal after all. ‘Oh, ok I’ll meet you there.’ He texted Aidan back after he calmed down, still smiling even though his cheeks were starting to hurt but he didn’t care, not when he was closer to getting his love back after so long of not having him.

Aidan sighs as he contemplates what he’s going to tell Sebastian. He couldn’t tell him a lot when it involved Brody also. So what could he say to the man he had left wondering all those years ago when he ran off on him, without so much as an explanation as to why he was gone. The last bell rang and he picked up his phone to call his son. ‘’Yeah dad, what’s up?’’ Brody answered, obviously happy going by the sound of his tone. All his friends were heard clearly in the background, causing Aidan to smile.

‘’You have a ride home son?’’ Aidan questions with a huge smile on his lips; he was happy his son was adjusting and gaining friends, maybe he could even get a girlfriend.

‘’Yes dad, I’m going to eat with some friends and they’ll drop me off later.’’ Brody replies.

‘’All right well have fun and I’ll see you at home. Love you Brody.’’ Aidan pipes and he hears his son groan.

‘’I love you too dad bye.’’ Brody grumbles and hangs up. Though Aidan was smiling as he got off the phone, it quickly fades as he remembers whom he’s meeting

in a few minutes. Aidan breathes a long sigh as he goes to grab his jacket, keys and cellphone.

~*~*~*~*~*~* Sebastian parked his car and locks it, walking towards the coffee house and strolling in. He looks around and spots Aidan sitting in a corner staring intently in his coffee mug. Nerves hit his stomach but he wills them away. Sebastian smiles and orders his coffee, paying for it after it’s made and goes on his way towards Aidan. He could see the changes the other man had gone through since he last saw him, which was a given since the last time he saw Aidan, Aidan was eighteen. ‘’Hey, Mr. Rosewood sorry I’m late.’’ Sebastian purposefully chides as he takes the seat across from Aidan. He’s hoping that by going professional, Aidan will tell him to call him by his first name. Aidan stares at Sebastian and tries to say something but he’s tongue-tied and he can’t form a simple word as he continuously stare at the beautiful man in front of him. Disappointed by Aidan's silence; Sebastian frowns as he gazes at the man across from him, whom is still staring at him. ‘’So, you needed to talk?’’ Sebastian questions as he lifts his mug to his lips, his gaze never faltering as he drinks.

Those lips, the ones that used to drive Aidan crazy; the same ones that used to suck him hard, as though that was all he needed Aidan gulped down the coffee he in his mouth, as he tried to push away the memories of Sebastian going down on him. ‘’I think we need to put the past behind us and start over as friends. I don’t want any awkwardness between you and me since we have to work together.’’ Aidan says without making eye contact. What was he doing? What he really wanted to tell Sebastian was, ‘I love you and I want you back.’ All those years away from the man and he still wanted Sebastian as much as he used to back in high school.

Pain, Love And Hate (MalexMale) TeacherxTeacherWhere stories live. Discover now