Chapter 4

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Aidan was confused, what was that look Sebastian gave him? It was full of love and lust, so much that Aidan wondered if Sebastian was mimicking what his eyes held. He was laying in his king size bed and couldn’t get those eyes out of his head. That look, it made part of him want to run away while the other part wanted to explore it further. Was Aidan wrong to think that Sebastian still wanted him, still desired him as much as he desired the sexy, handsome coach? He let out a long sigh and glanced down at his dick, which stood up straight as though saluting him. He pinched and groaned at the leaking shaft. ‘’No, no I can’t do this.’’ He murmurs to himself. He wanted to keep up the possibility that he could have something with Sebastian. Maybe they could start all over and live a happy life with lots and lots of sex. ‘’Stop thinking about sex, you’re only torturing yourself dumbass.’’ Aidan scolded himself as he shut his eyes yet every time he did, he saw Sebastian’s smiling face. Only this time the torment he got from leaving the man of his dreams was less. Less painful and made him hope that maybe he could gain forgiveness and finally live happy with both Brody and Sebastian. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The next morning Aidan was going through documents in his office that ensured the students of Fremont High were getting the education they needed. Aidan was in a gloomy mood; he hasn’t seen Sebastian today and didn’t get enough sleep.

He couldn’t help but feel sad; he wanted to see the coach badly. Even if it was for a minute.

Different scenarios played in his head, him calling Sebastian over to his office and have him fuck him on his desk or going to the gym and having Sebastian fuck him under the bleachers as they used to back in high school. However, Aidan knew he wouldn’t jeopardize his job or abuse his position at the school. They were grown men now, and they had responsibilities. It never hurt, however, to dream, or in his case, fantasize about him and Sebastian.

He went by the teacher’s lounge only to find a few teachers sitting and drinking coffee. Aidan roamed the room from his spot and his eyes found the face he’d been dreaming about, for the past few years, right away. ‘’Mr. Rosewood, how are you this morning?’’ The history teacher asked. He knew he had to learn the names of his teachers and felt bad because since he started working at the school, he had been infatuated with only one teacher. ‘’I’m fine thank you for asking, and you?’’ He finally snapped out of his perverted thoughts. ‘’I’m very good today sir, we’re just drawing straws to see who gets to volunteer for the spring dance.’’ She drawls slowly as she turns to look at the others around her. Aidan nodded and couldn’t help but turn his gaze to Sebastian, who was watching him as well.

Sebastian seemed content when Aidan turned to him. ‘’I’ll tell you what, I’ll do it. Now that I’m single, I have the free time.’’ Sebastian cooed and Aidan couldn’t help but smile at his words. ‘’I’ll volunteer as well. My son will be attending and I want to be close.’’ Aidan offers and they all stare at him with wide eyes.

‘’Wow, our old principal never did this.’’ The history teacher said, still amazed and Aidan flashed a smile. ‘’Well, I’m not like most principals. I’m more of a hands on person.’’ Aidan explains and he could’ve sworn he heard Sebastian whisper, ‘’you got that right.” Aidan blushed but it didn’t stop him from smiling big. ‘’Ok, then it’s settled. Mr. Rosewood and Mr. Wright are the chaperones for the spring dance.’’ They both nodded as they stared into each other’s eyes, not realizing how long they were engrossed with each other.

Hell, they didn’t even notice when the rest of their collegues left the lounge. Aidan’s heart was pounding fast; he wanted to reach out and grab Sebastian by the back of his head, smashing their lips together. His mind was screaming at him to back off. Screaming that he was at his job and he was the employer whereas Sebastian was his employee. He rips his eyes from Sebastian only to find the room empty, gulping hard as he turns to Sebastian with a weak smile playing on his lips. ‘’So, we are chaperones.’’ Sebastian chirps and Aidan just nods to confirm too scared to speak. ‘’Ok, well I have to get back to my next class.’’ Sebastian chides as he walks towards the door.

Before Sebastian could turn the doorknob, Aidan reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder. ‘’I think we should fix this problem between us.’’ Aidan speaks softly, scared of what Sebastian’s answer will be. He couldn’t even make eye contact; he was too fucking scared Sebastian would say “fuck you leave me alone” However, it never came. Instead a chuckle fell from Sebastian’s lips. ‘’What do you suggest?’’ Sebastian questions feeling happy inside though he kept a calm blank face on the outside. ‘’Is coffee ok, today after school?’’ Aidan was still looking away from Sebastian and he didn’t see the smile playing on the other man’s lips. ‘’Ok, name the place and time and I’ll meet you there.’’ Sebastian wanted to see Aidan’s eyes. He wanted to see the emotions going through them but much to his disappointment Aidan never made eye contact. ‘’Ok, I’ll see you then.’’ Aidan’s throat was definitely dry, he was so nervous. He walked to the door and slipped out, leaving Sebastian in the lounge.

As soon as he got into his office, he leaned his back against the closed door; shut his eyes and trying to calm his breathing.

He was seeing Sebastian later on today. He was going to have to tell him the truth and god help him, he was sweating bullets. What if Sebastian hated him for what he did? What if he wanted him back? Nevertheless, the most important and scary question was, did Sebastian still love him as much as Aidan did?

Pain, Love And Hate (MalexMale) TeacherxTeacherWhere stories live. Discover now