Chapter 7

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Sebastian went to work looking like a zombie; he hadn’t had enough sleep the past couple of nights. He avoided bumping into Aidan, knowing he didn’t know what to say or do.

This was getting ridiculous and he knew it. However, he wasn’t sure how to stop it. He thought was being stupid and that he should just forgive Aidan so he could get back with him.
He walked into the gym, aware the kids were already there waiting for him

‘’Sir, can I talk to you?’’ Brody asked, his voice sounding odd voice. Sebastian nodded and pointed Brody to his office.
‘’What’s going on Brody?’’ He asks the teenager as he takes a drink of his coffee.

‘’It’s my dad. He’s not acting right, I think someone hurt him.’’ Brody murmurs as he looks out the office window.
Sebastian tenses as he hears this. Aidan was hurting. Oh god, I hurt Aidan! Was the first thing he thought.

‘’I’m sorry to hear this Brody, but what is it you want me to do?’’ He questions calmly while inside he’s worriedsick about the man.

‘’I think it’ll do him good if he has a date to the school dance. Do you know anyone who would be his date?’’ Brody asks innocently.

 Sebastian clenched his jaw tight. No way in fucking hell was he letting Aidan go out on a date with someone else.
‘’I’m sorry Brody, I don’t know anyone and even if I did, it’s against school policy to get involved in my boss’s private life.’’ He gave the boy a soft smile.
‘’It’s ok Coach, maybe I can invite one of his ex-boyfriends to come and visit him.’’ Brody says and opens the door to walk out of the office.
Brody smiles as he walks, he had planted the seed of jealousy and he knew it. Coach couldn’t hide it. It was written all over his face when he mentioned his dad on a date with someone else.

‘’Brody, did you hear about who’s playing at the dance?’’ A girl came squealing as she jumped on Brody’s back.

‘’Who?’’ Brody questions as he tries to hold her.
‘’One Direction! Oh my god I’m so excited I could scream.’’ She swoons as she goes all fan girl and Brody just sets her down.

Brody thought how perfect it was that they got One Direction, I mean he wasn’t a fan but he knew some of their songs that could help him with Coach’s and his dad’s problem.

Sebastian stood still staring at his closed door; Brody was going to get Aidan a date.

Could he watch the man he loves with someone else? Should he let Aidan move on even though it’ll kill him?

He was confused and hurt, but there was no doubt he wanted Aidan for himself.

He went out of his office feeling worse than he already did.
As he started his class, he couldn't stop thinking about his Aidan with another man, but that wouldn’t happen. Not while he was around.

Aidan sat in his chair looking at student’s files yet he couldn’t concentrate for shit.
He wanted to go look for Sebastian and beg him to take him back.
However, how could he do that when he hurt him before?
He wanted to promise Sebastian he would never do anything to hurt him ever again, but would he listen? Would Sebastian learn to trust him again?

It had been days since their argument, since Aidan told Sebastian the truth about why he left. Therefore, the ball was in Sebastian’s court and there wasn’t anything else to do.

Sebastian didn’t do a damn thing to stop Aidan from going to the school dance with a date.
Brody hadn’t come to him anymore, but the way the teen acted it seemed everything was well in the Rosewood household.

Maybe Aidan was happy now, maybe he found someone who wasn’t an idiot like Sebastian.
But damn if that didn’t hurt him.

The dance was tonight and he figured what the hell, he would just get this shit done and over with. He got in his car and drove to the school.
Aidan didn’t understand why his son wanted him to wear a tux, it was a school dance for god sakes nothing important for him to dress up for.
He went with it to humor his son yet he was worried. Lately Brody had been secretive, little smiles always playing on his lips.
And every time he looked at him, Brody would give him that I-know-something-you-don't look and it was driving Aidan crazy.

Aidan wasn’t looking forward to this dance, seeing as he would see Sebastian there. It was funny how all throughout the days they never once bumped into each other at all.
He knew why, and it hurt him to think that Sebastian was avoiding him.

They got to the school and Aidan went straight for his nametag. He noticed Sebastian’s was gone and once again, the Coach was avoiding the principal.

Aidan couldn’t blame him, he knew he had it coming but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

The group, One Direction, started singing and Aidan smiled as he watched his son laughing and jumping up and down as the group sang their song.

Hey girl I’m waiting on ya, I’m waiting on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the windows down

Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we’re cool and we know it too
Yeah, we’ll keep doing what we do
Just pretending that we’re cool, so tonight

Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young
Whoa oh ohohohohohoh
Whoa oh ohohohohohoh and live while we’re young
Whoa oh ohohohohohoh
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

Hey girl it’s now or never, it’s now or never
Don't overthink just let it go
And if we get together, yeah, get together
Don’t let the pictures leave your phone

Yeah, we’ll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we’re cool, so tonight

Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young
Whoa oh ohohohohohoh
Whoa oh ohohohohohoh and live while we’re young
Whoa oh ohohohohohoh
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

And girl, you and I
We’re about to make some memories tonight
I wanna live while we’re young
We wanna live while we’re young

Let’s go crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

Crazy, crazy, crazy ’til we see the sun
I know we only met but let’s pretend it’s love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let’s get some and live while we’re young

Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
C'mon, young
Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)

As the song finished, Aidan watched his son walk up to the singers.

‘’All right, mates we just received word about a crazy in love couple, who’s suffering and needs a push to get past this and start fresh, so we got a dedication for the next song, is there an Aidan Rosewood in the house?’’ Aidan’s eyes widen as he hears his name and flips around to see Brody smirking at him.

Sebastian groans as he hears his ex- boyfriend's name.

‘Sure throw your love life in my face.’ He thought as he stood in the corner eyeing everything around him. He hadn’t seen Aidan at all and he wanted to keep it that way but that plan obviously went to shit since the spotlight was on Aidan.

He stared at Aidan dressed in a black tux and his breath caught in his throat.

Aidan was breathtaking. The man just screamed sexy from his coal black hair to his big doe brown eyes and he wasn’t small, he had a body most would kill for.
Sebastian groaned once again as he rearranged the bulge in his pants while looking around, hoping no one caught him doing it.

‘’Is there a Sebastian Wright in the house?’’ The kid’s voice snaps him out of his lustful thoughts.
He looks towards the stage and sees Aidan standing there as confused as he is.

He wanted to run away and hide but then he figured what was the harm? He could play along with whatever they were planning.
He walks slowly to the stage not making eye contact with anyone, he was focused on only one person.
Aidan was nervous and only Sebastian knew, his body language hadn’t change at all. His hands would clench close then flew open, all the while he would bite into his bottom lip.
Once on the stage, standing in front of Aidan, he notices how Aidan would look everywhere but directly at him.
Sebastian still didn’t know what was going on, looking to the other young men on stage for help.
Aidan, still not able to look at Sebastian, focused on how shiny his shoes were.

‘’Ok, so everyone this song is from Aidan to Sebastian. He hopes Sebastian finds it in his heart to forgive him and take him back.’’ The singer says and Sebastian snaps his head to look at Aidan, who’s looking at the band with surprise in his eyes.

Hello, hello, I know it's been a while
But baby, I got something that I really want to let you know, yeah
Something that I want to let you know, oh, oh, oh

You say, you say to everybody that you hate me
Couldn't blame you 'cause I know I left you all alone, yeah
I know that I left you all alone

Yeah, now I'm back at your door
Your look at me unsure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-I-I know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
I-I-I know you're still the one

Hello, hello, I'm really hoping you'll forgive me
I keep talking, begging, tell me what I want to hear, yeah

Sebastian stood still in front of Aidan, who had yet to look at him. He knew what he wanted to do, the school and Aidan's date be damned. He wanted Aidan and by god he was going to get him, even if it killed him. In a moment of courage and confidence, he walks up to Aidan and snakes his arms around the slender man’s waist.

Aidan gasps as he feels electricity shoot out throughout his body, lifting his eyes to meet Sebastian’s.
Aidan almost cried from happiness when he saw nothing but pure love in Sebastian’s eyes.

‘’I love you so goddamn much it hurts.’’ Sebastian murmurs in Aidan’s ear as they swayed to the song.
It didn’t matter that they song wasn’t slow, it didn’t matter that the song was made for teens who were in puppy love. What mattered the most was that they were in each other’s arms. They smiled as they held each other close in the dance, happy that they were finally together again.

I tried, I tried to start again and find somebody
But I remember all the times and all the words we said, yeah
I can't get it out of my head, yeah

Now I'm back at your door
Your look at me unsure
I should've seen it before
You're all I think about, baby

I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
You might have moved on
But girl, you should know
That I-I-I know you're still the one
I know it's saying too much
But I will never give up
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one

Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you, you're still the one
Hey you-

You're still the one
I know it's saying too much (Yeah)
But I will never give up (C'mon)
I was so stupid for letting you go
But I-I-I know you're still the one
I know you're still the one

As they finished dancing, Aidan moves to Sebastian’s ear and whispers ‘’I love you too. I didn’t stop hurting until tonight when you held me in your arms, so please forgive me?’’ Sebastian smiles and leans in to kiss Aidan.

‘’Already have, come on we need to talk.’’ Sebastian pulls Aidan from the auditorium and towards the principal’s office.
Aidan was so happy he could scream, and wanted nothing but be in Sebastian’s arms.


Once they were in the office, they stood in front of each other, silent as they just gaze into each other’s eyes.

‘’Aidan, are you here with a date?’’ Sebastian questions and Aidan furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

‘’No, why would I show up here with a date when I wanted nothing but to be with you? Although that song wasn’t my idea at all.’’ Sebastian laughs as he hugs Aidan.

‘’You have a smart son. Aidan would you be mine again, for good this time?’’ He asked and Aidan stares at him, the moonlight coming through the office window shining on Sebastian and making him look so fucking handsome.
Sebastian shuffles closer to him and lifts his hands, putting one on the back of Aidan's head and the other on his lower back. Aidan smile as he nods.

Sebastian’s hand threads itself into Aidan’s hair then slowly slides down, massaging the nape of his neck. Sebastian leans in ever so slowly and brushes his lips on Aidan’s.
A teasing tongue slides across Aidan’s lips and he willingly opens up to let him in.

Aidan whimpers as Sebastian crushes him to his chest, taking his mouth in a kiss that leaves Aidan breathless.

He wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s neck and his feet left the ground. He wraps his fingers in Sebastian’s hair and he gives himself to the kiss.
With Sebastian’s hands on his ass, he’s greeted with a low groan from Sebastian as he grinds his erection on the man’s stomach.
Another low whimper escapes him as Sebastian pushes further into his mouth, tasting him and making him go crazy with want.

‘’I missed this, I missed us.’’ Sebastian says as soon as he pulls away from Aidan.

‘’God me too. I know I already asked you this, but I will always ask for everything I’ve put you through, will you please forgive me?’’ Aidan whispers as he runs his hand over Sebastian’s face.
‘’Already have babe, now come on let’s go back. Maybe we can spend the night getting to know everything about each other again, outside and inside of bed.” Sebastian winks as he fixes his erection, making Aidan blush madly.

‘’I know who’s getting a raise in their allowance.’’ Aidan mumbles as they walk into the dance spotting Brody looking at them with a huge grin on his face.
‘’Let me know how much, so I can double it.’’ Sebastian states as he smiles at Brody.

They both made their way to the punch table, both happy they finally resolved their issues and were together.

Now Sebastian couldn’t wait to get Aidan naked and in his bed.

Pain, Love And Hate (MalexMale) TeacherxTeacherWhere stories live. Discover now