Talk of Justice

330 18 8

3rd person POV:

In the house of the Overlord, he and his Arcana began talking strategy with the master of it, Jolyne, now on the side of the Ruby Overlord.

Jolyne: Let's go over the current situation.

Jolyne: You have six of the Major Arcana on your side.

Jolyne: The Star, The Chariot, The Hierophant, The Sun, Strength, and The Fool.

Jolyne: And there are only three arcana left that have yet given you a "trial".

Jolyne: Judgment, Justice, and the High Priestess.

Jolyne: My lord, you only need to convince one more Arcana to be tied, two to win.

Yn: Alright.

Jolyne: Lord, you should avoid getting tied.

Yn: Why?

Joker: If you tie with your siblings, then we must perform the trial of the throne.

Yn: And what's this "trial of the throne"

Gemini: To simplify it, the trial of the throne is a battle between the heirs.

Yn: What kind of battle, exactly?

Zeus: Let's just say, it's the reason why some of your great aunts and uncles died young.


Joker: They don't all end like that, of course... But there have been several occasions.

Jolyne: The best course of action is to get Belle, the high priestess, and June, the Justice Arcana.

Jolyne: Getting Belle, would eliminate the princess in case of a tie.

Yn: What about June? Why specifically her?

Jolyne: Because you can't get Crow.

Yn: Why not?

Joker:(awkward chuckle)


Sun: Crow and Joker have never been on the same side before.

Yn: Why not?


Gemini: It's simply how it is. The two are bitter rivals, rarely agreeing on anything.

Joker: He is a self-proclaimed rival...


Crow: Achoo!

Crow: Damn, dust...

Crow: Your majesty, that's enough for today, go rest.

Charles: I can-


Crow: What is it?

Charles: My sister is coming here...

Crow:(mind) Looks like his ability to sense the arcana has grown quite a lot with the use of the revolution form...

Crow: I heard something of the like... She's probably here for the young prince.

Charles: Make sure she doesn't come here. I don't want her learning of this new power.

Crow: Like I said... She's probably here for the third spawn of the late king, not you.

Crow: So as long as you're here, I doubt you two will cross paths m

Charles: Good... If a battle breaks out I hope to use this new power as a surprise for my "dear" sister.

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