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Louis's pov

It was a normal day in London. Today I had just met up with some of my friends. Later that evening I had dinner with my family. We had some family time. My new movie Enola Holmes had released just like one week ago and I already started to get recognized. So it was my every day life now. To take photos with fans, sign a paper or have people look at me like I'm weird. 

Anyways it was around 2am here. I couldn't sleep so I just laid in my bed scrolling through instagram. I liked and commented on some fan pages and then decided to upload a story. 

(When it's 2am in London it's around 6pm in La)

Louis story

(A/N: I love this picture)

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(A/N: I love this picture)

After that I continued looking through instagram. Then I see Millies new post. She was baking with some girl. Thats when I realized that the girl in the photo was y/n. 

Sure I knew that she lived in La now and that she and Millie knew each other but I didn't think that they were so close friends. 

Y/n was really beautiful as normal. Her hair matched perfect to her eyes. She was so pretty and she looked, she looked so different but she still looked the same. I think it was that she looked happy. I guess she didn't feel happy here in London. When she was in London she was alone and people laughed at her. She didn't really have any friends and stupid me was with my friends all the time and left her alone. I saw how she went through school alone and even though she was my girlfriend I didn't do anything. It was embarrassing to be friend and especially her boyfriend. The whole school knew that we were together but it was like they had forgotten because we never got seen together. I only hung out with her after school in either her or my house.

But now everyone listened to her music. Some of them even claimed to be her best friend. 

Now it was a flex if you ever worked with her in class, you were in the same class or even spoke a word to her. 

I will never forget her look at me. In the classroom where she found out that I had cheated on her. The look she gave me with her eyes all watering. When we stood in the hallway and those word she said. Her voice sounded all broken. 

I will never forget my mom's look at me. After Y/n ran away from me at school. I went home. When my mom came into my room. To see me crying my eyes out in my bed. As sweet as my mom is she embraced me into a warm hug. She asked what was wrong. And I told her the truth. She looked so disappointed in me. It took a while before she could even meet my eyes again and that hurt. 

I will never forget when both my sister rush in to my room and start yelling at me. Both of them were so angry and disappointed. How I could cheat on my best friend, my girlfriend and one of my sisters close friend. 

My sisters always talked to each other about how proud they were over her. How she was able to turn her sadness to some thing so fantastic. They always pulled an all nighter when she was gonna release a new album or song. They shared on their instagram story how they listened to her music. I can her music every day from both Millie and Issie's rooms. 

After all my thoughts I hear Millie shout from her room. New music coming from her speakers. I guess Y/n had released her new album earlier in London then in the rest of the word. 

(I saw that people sometimes release music at 12am in every country. Like the music release 12am in that timezone and in Uk at 12am in that timezone)

I went in on the tag on Millie's B post. I went through all her instagram pictures. She really looked happy. She was having photo shoots with big companies. She had fun with her mom and she seemed to have really sweet friends. 

I checked her story. She was dancing around in what seemed like her living room with Millie B. Singing to one of her new songs. She also thanked her fans for the support. Then it was another story. She talked about how thankful she were for her fans and she was gonna have an Europe tour. She told her followers how she was gonna travel to Europe to meet so many fans as she could. She was having concerts every other day. So she would have to fly almost everyday. 

She talked about every city she would visit and when she would be there. 

The cities:

Berlin - Germany

Paris - France

Rome - Italy

Madrid - Spain

Amsterdam - The Netherlands 

Copenhagen - Denmark

Stockholm - Sweden

Oslo - Norway

Helsinki - Finland

Dublin - Ireland

London - England

She told her followers that she was gonna start with Europe and in a few months she would visit different states in America and then other continents. She apologized for that it wasn't more cities. I felt bad. She takes her time to visit people on the other side of the world and gets hate because she doesn't visit enough countries. 


I fell asleep late last night. Thankfully I was free today so I was just thinking that I will lay in bed all day. 

I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. My whole family was already sitting at the table. Millie and Issie talked about everything with Y/n's new album. Which song was their favorite, if it was a song the didn't like and how the loved this part of this song. 

"Which one of the five songs is your favorite Issie?" Millie asked as she took a bit of her sandwich. 

"My favorite must be good 4 u and you?" Issie said as she turned off her phone and put it down. 

"Favorite crime must be my favorite. " Millie replied

"What are you talking about?" Mom said in a confused voice as she switched look between Millie and Issie. 

"Y/n released a new album. Thats why me and Millie pulled an all nighter." Issie said as she looked at her mom and smiled. 

I guess dad must have notice that I was on my way down the stairs. 

"Good Morning Louis" He said as he drank from his morning coffee. 

"Morning" I said as I sat down on my chair at the table. 

"Have you heard Y/n's new album Louis?" Millie asked in a happy voice. 

"No, I have not" I said short not wanting to talk about her. 

"Do you wanna hear? Come here I show you" Issie said as she took up her phone and started looking at her phone. 

"No, I don't want to be reminded of her." I said with a bit of an angry voice. 

The whole family looked at me. I just looked down at my feet and soon enough I could hear them get back to their conversation. 

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