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The curtain opened,letting the sunlight entered your dark bedroom

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The curtain opened,letting the sunlight entered your dark bedroom. You solely accompanied by the clock ticking on the wall and you barely opened your eyes. It had been three days since you locked up yourself in your bedroom because of the rollercoster of your emotions. Laying down on your bed,feeling totally hopeless 

You mind was killing you, and the way tou realised how powerful your feelings for distracting your body from functioning well.

That's insane!

And you couldn't eat anything as you lost appetite,even if you pushed yourself but you can't. In the end,you only provided by H²0. These three days, you avoid talking to him as if you suffered an ache on your heart whenever you were thinking about him,moreover saw him. A part of you lowkey wanted to end the silent treatment you created and run to him, but another part of you were ignorant that strongly refused to do so.

Meanwhile, Soonyoung quietly took care of you by knocking at your door or went inside your bedroom to see your condition and he was the one who opened the curtain to let the sunshine in even he was confused by your behaviour. He sometimes tried to ask you but you hided yourself beneath the blanket whenever he met you. Although he was kinda disappointed, hr was hoping you were back to the normal you as he too can't bear with the circumstance.

Tonight was the forth day since you isolates yourself,your eyes redden and swollen,exhausted by the night crying,your lips dry and grey. Your body felt numb and your cracked voice.

It was 10.00 p.m when you stepped out of your room,looking around the living room,you knew he wasn't home yet.

You decided to go out with a little money in your pocket. You slipped into the breezy slipper,you walked around near the apartment you two lived in. Your stomach started to growl as you crossed the pavement.

Later, you found yourself standing up in front of a café. You didn't take long time to go into. Amost all of the customers were gone considered the time reached 10.15 p.m. Walking weakly, you took a seat near the glass wall.

You ordered kimbap and hot tea when the waitress came,then you gave a blank stare on the view you saw through the glass wall. The view of one of the busiest highway in Seoul. You watched the cars were passing by as this was the usual hours of workers go home after finished their working hours.

Even it was late at night,the huge city was always full and bustling but the loneliness could be seen in the eyes of yours.

Lonely. Just like you.

A tear unintentionally dropped from the corner of your right eye. You quickly wiped it off yet another tears coming down. And you started broke down into whimper. Hands covering your mouth prevented the sobbing to be heard.

You smile looked bitter when another sighed escaped, "What's wrong with you? It's not a big deal,is it? How could it pissed you off." Questioning yourself about your feeling despite not knowing the answer.

Lunatic. You owned your body,your emotions, your mind. Seemed like you also didn't want to be who you were now, yet the courage gave her farewell and leave you in the dark.

At times,you pondering why your life had no happy ending. Whether in your family, friend and study. In relationship?

Maybe you are destined with this sad life. Poor you!

You were back to your sense as you saw the waiter was coming,holding a tray of your food. You breathe in, gathered all your strength and holding back your tears. Your orders were infront of you,it didn't woken up your appetite.

You eventually swallowed the food slowly, pushed yourself to eat or else you will faint.

Who's gonna save you?

'Hoshi' the first person you could think of.



Stepped out from the café,you wander around,not the way back home. The cold air touched your bare skin weren't enough to wake you up. Soon as you dawned on that you stepped into the dark alley. You finally came back to your sense.

This place. You never knew before,you couldn't even see what was in front of you. The athmosphere ticked with unknown vibes,and you knew.


You need to move. Now!

"Heyy lady~"

You gasped.

The shouted came from someone not far away behind you. A male voice and sounded drunk.

'Pang!' the wine bottle being thrown away.

You runaway as faster as you can,without turning your head. Then,you heard his foot step,running as he was trying to approach you. Even worse,he kept catcalling from behind,made you annoyed and scared at the same time as your body trembled. You despereately wanted to cry but you gripped your lips tightly.

Haneul,you must be strong. You have to get out from here.

F*** this man,still chasing you which fear you to death.

You began exhausted from running away. Soon,you saw the light of the streetlight. Your eyes shine. Yes! You were almost at the end of the alley. You heart lightened up with hope.

As you felt sooth,you unfortunately tripped down when you suddenly hit the rock.

"Auch!!!" you yelled in pain. Tripped on the ground, foot steps from behind slowly approaching you. Again!

You also heard his gasped,tired from chasing you.

"Got you! HA HA HA HAHAH!" he shrieked.

You tried to get up but he rushingly gripped your wrist,made you got up. Your eyes filled up with tears as you felt afraid.

You were dead!


That familiar voice. You looked up,then your eyes widen in disbelief.



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