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You were in his room

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You were in his room. Sitting in the couch while he took a bath. And the reason why you were here...


"Should we go Haneul-shi" Soonyoung asked and exhaled his hand.

"Oo...okay" At this moment you knew you want to slap your mouth if you could but immediately held his hand.

Even this is not the first time you held his hand,but it still send butterflies in your stomach.

Calm,dearself calm.

He then brought you to the car and drove back to the same hotel you were in. But in different room.

End of flashback

Your eyes didn't stop blinking as if you felt sleepy. Then your eyes landed at the bathroom's door to see if he was still showering. And yes,he was.

How long he's going to take a shower? You mumbled. Soon after,you could feel that your eyes shut and brought you to dreamland.zzz


You opened your eyes and looked around you. As you were still half awake,you began to find you phone. And you remembered that you put it inside of your handbag.

You were searching around for your handbag when you realise that you were in a bed. What?!

You hurriedly stood up with a fear in your heart. As your heart was beating crazily,your eyes roaring around and found your handbag was on the table.

This room was definately dark but the light from the lamp table lighten this room a bit.

You went to the table and picked up your handbag. You opened it and took your phone. You looked at the clock and it was almost 5 a.m.

Suddenly,you could see Soonyoung was sleeping on the couch you used to sit last night.


Last night,you were laying down on that couch while he took a shower. When he was getting out of the bathroom and started wearing clothes,he saw you sleeping soundly on the couch.

He went to see you. A short smile formed on his lips as he stared at you.

Without a second thought,he picked you up bridal style and slowly put you down in the bed. And slept in the couch.

End of flashback

You can't recalled about anything what happaned last night. But you were absolutely sure that he was the one who picked you up to the bed.

He picked you up?

Your checks redden.

You quickly packed your bag and went to your own room to get changed.

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