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"And now,we are presenting to all of you

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"And now,we are presenting to all of you... a talented dance group... consist of 13 members ...do you guys know it?!" shouted the MC of this last year's school ceremony.

and the crowds were screaming "SEVENTEEN!!" The school hall suddenly became so noisy with shoutings and cheerings from the crowd. As soon as the group appeared on stage,the crowds got noiser than before.

You and your friends were joining the crowd too. Screaming the group's name 'SEVENTEEN' countless time. You can hear some of the students talking beside you.

"They are so handsome!"

"The dance was the boom!"

"See,Mingyu is the best."

"No,Jisoo is better,look at him"

"No,no,no mine is the best okay, Seungcheol! Saranghae!!"

Even though they were so loud and sometime the loud cheering could damage your eardrum,but it didn't bother you from wacthing this guy. Yes,you layed you eyes on him since they began their performance.

 Kwon Soonyoung. The guy you adore from the first day you entered high school.
You first saw him in the school hall were practising choreography. Then you saw him again in the annual sport day and any other festival organised by the school.

He was good looking,charming and hard working. You started crushing on him. Well,who didn't? Almost all of the entire population female students in this school had a crush on him.. and his teammate. His friends were hot though but Soonyoung steal your heart first.

The guy that perform in the stage along with his members. Their performance will be the last performance of them as 13 members because some of them will graduate soon and further their studies in the university.

You were sad to the fact that it will be your last day to see him in school. When will you have chance to see him again?

Well,who knows...

"Haneul dear,are you okay?"

You awake from your day dreaming. As you realised someone tapping your shoulder,you looked around only to see your mother,Mr. and Mrs. Kwon looking at you as they were waiting for an answer.

You hurriedly spoke "No,Im.. okay" And you gave a smiley face.

Soon after that,you begin to scan the whole place you were in. It was a fancy restaurant. No wonder your mum asked you to wear dress. because it's a special night in a luxury place.

'If I collect my salary for years,I still can't afford to be here.'

 Mrs. Kwon smiled. "Should we continue?" Your mum added "sure". "So,it's confirm that the weeding ceremony will be held in Hotel Heirs. We already booked the hall and a few rooms for a night there before we go back home on the next day."

"For weeding dress,it's better if we just rent it." Your mum told.

 Mrs. Kwon shaked her head "It's okay Jangyoon,I already prepared for that. Next week,we are going to Maria Boutique to find the dress for Haneul. Right?... Haneul"

You smiled and nodded your head. Somehow,you didn't really listen to what they say and yeah. You didn't know what to say.

"Where is Soonyoung? He said he's on the way here. Aish.. this kid." Mr. Kwon said.

Where is Soonyoung? At first,their parents say we had to wait for him. They finally gave up, and ended up discussing the wedding as the same time wait for him to come.

The door opened revealing a man wearing a black tuxedo while fixing his black hair. He was casually walking to your table. Your pupils dilated as you saw his figure

He was standing in front of his parents and bowed.

Mr. Kwon sighed " Where have you been son? This dinner is so important yet you are still late."

And yeah,the son is Soonyoung.

Soonyoung bowed again. "I'm really sorry appa eomma. There is traffic jammed there. I'm promise not to be late next time."

Then he was began sitting in front of you,his head turned to his side,to see his parent. You gulped.

Is this dreaming? You meet him,again. After all these years since he gratuated. You could hear you heartbeat beating crazily. And sometime you held you breath for no reason. Obviously,you were nervous.

Soonyoung now was so different from the last time you saw him. He was a cute high school boy but became manlier. He is still cute by the way but much more manlier,hansome,cool and last but not least charming.

During the whole conversation,it was just your mum and Mrs. Kwon that talking like they were the one who was going to marry. And just sometime Mr. Kwon interrupted something.You and Soonyoung turned out not saying anything although you two were the one who's going to marry.

You almost lost in your own world when Mrs. Kwon suddenly spoke up,  "Soonyoung-ah,why don't you bring Haneul to the rooftop and having a small talk with her?"

Your blank repeatedly because you were suprised of what Mrs. Kwon had said. Without you realised,your cheeks started to blush.

 Soonyoung stood up and look at you, "Should we go? Miss Song?" He began extended his hand.

You initially hesitate but you hold his hand without second thought. You followed him to the rooftop with your hand holding into his.

When both of you guys finally reach the rooftop. He then let go of your hand so did you.

"You are Haneul right?" he asked.

You nodded even though he was looking straight to the front and his back was facing you.


 "My mum said you were in the same school as I was back then in high school.. right?" he asked and still his back was facing you.

"Yeah,Soonyoung sunbae,you are my senior during...my junior...year" You bit your lips and lightly slapped your head when you accidentally called him 'sunbae'.

He chuckled which made you want to die. What is the reason behind his chuckle?

He turned his head to see you "I am sorry Miss Song,I never know you before. It shocked me that you are my junior but I never saw you. and I think this is my first time seeing you."

You lifted your head only to meet his eyes. His dazzling eyes. You were dying inside.

'Keep it cool,Haneul! You can do this' you monologue.

"it's fine ... sunbae?"

He shortly answered. "Yes."

"Are you okay with this.. no I mean like our marriege... err" You stuttered.

He showed his thin smile "Im okay,I guess..." He was searching for the right word to say but ended up say nothing.

"What about you,Miss Song?"

You diverted your eyes from him. "Im okay too and please just call me Haneul after this." Admit it,you felt embarassed.

He smiled "Alright."

You keep silent and thinking about what will the future might hold for you. Is this going to be okay? You really hope so.


I'm sorry for any grammatical mistakes. please know that English is not my main language . btw enjoy♡♡♡



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