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That familiar voice. You looked up,then your eyes widen in disbelief.


But how?

He stopped running and was standing at the end of the alley, not far from where you were at. He looked as if he was just finished a run marathon.

He ran towards you and pulled you closer to him,into his embrace. His arms wrapped around your shoulders,seeing that he tried to protect you. And you could feel his body was on fire and his chest pumped out countless times as he was trying to catch some air after running.

You looked up to him,only to see one side of his face. And you saw his face turned scarlet,sweat dripping down her face. He was exhausted.

Nevertheless,it didn't take much time for Soonyoung to give a death glare to the drunk man that made him stepped back in fear. He automatically ran as fast as lightning and disappear in the dark alley.

You fell down as your legs turned jelly and Soonyoung quickly tighten his arms around your shoulder,lessen the weight on your knees. He patted your back and hold your shoulders from beside, slowly brought you to safer place.

"Could you walk?" he questioned once you two were walking down the pavement.

You weakly nodded,and continue trekking but he swiftly stood in front of you,made you stopped. Lifted up your head,you gave him a confused looks.

'Why?' you wondered inside.

He turned around which now you face his back. He dropped his kneel to the ground and said, "Come on,get on my back."

You initially hesitated,still you got on his back. Slightly bending your knees, you put your arm around his shoulder bone. Then he securely interlocking his finger lock.

His cheeks went up a bit the moment he raised you up by straightening his knees. And kept on walking while carrying along.

The air was noiseless, there were a tense silent between the two of you.

"How could you be here?" You rested you cheeks on his shoulder, initiate tye conversation to break the silence. "Were you looking for me?"

"I happened to see you in the cafe while I was driving. So,I stop somewhere and waiting for you. I just...follow you until you crossed the alley,because I don't want to get caught so I ran to the other way just to meet you in the end of the alley.. Wait, speaking about the alley, what were you doing there?" His tone raised a bit at the end of the sentence

You could sense his heartbeat increase in a blink of an eye. You bitted you lower lip. It was your fault,you knew it well. And you got it why he was mad. He was worried about you.

"You knew that place like that is dangerous. Luckily I was there,if I wasn't?" he scolded you while kept on walking back home.

Feeling ashamed by your nonsense action, you pouted while buried you face behind his back. "I'm sorry...."

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