Chapter 2

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This was the fourth time Lee Jieun forgot to set her alarm this week. She groaned as the sunlight hit her through the curtains, flipping to the other side to avoid it. Her hand subconsciously fumbled on her bed in search of her phone and cursed under her breath when she looked at the time. It was 9:15 Am. She managed to sleep in late yet again. She let out another groan as she forced herself to get up. It was a typical week day, Tuesday in particular. She hadn't had any schedule till late afternoon, so technically she could have slept in more, but she had made a promise that she intended to keep. Which was why she had struggled to open her eyes as she brushed her teeth before hopping inside the shower.

"Jieun-nah, I'm going to be gone for a month, and it might be longer than that. Are you really not going to see me off? Everyone else is." Her bodyguard and friend, Sang-in said to her during their team dinner.

"Okay, okay. I'll make sure to be there." She laughed.

"Okay. I'm leaving at 10 tomorrow by the way. And don't be late." He said sternly as he clinked his glass with hers.

She was in fact going to be late. She cursed herself, remembering how much she had drunk last night during the team dinner. She left her apartment at 9:45. She greeted the old landlady at the entrance of the building who returned her greeting and shook her head smiling, knowing that the younger woman has yet to be late for something again.

Her manager, Hanteo, was already downstairs waiting for her and as soon as he saw her, he gave her a disapproving look but nevertheless opened the car door for her. She sent a thank you to his way as she hurriedly got in.

"I'm not even gonna ask why you're late yet again." Hanteo said as soon as he drove off.

Jieun gave him a tired look from the rearview mirror and he stifled a laugh.

"Don't worry tho, Sangin hyung is waiting for you. He must really want you to see him off, although I'm the one who's taking him to the airport."

He passed her an egg sandwich and a cup of hot green tea that he bought from a nearby cafe. She muttered a thank you before taking a bite of the sandwich. She let out a content sigh as she leaned back in her chair, sipping the hot tea. Once she had finished the sandwich and was halfway finishing her tea, Hanteo pulled up in the driveway to the Edam Entertainment building. She quickly got off, walking briskly towards the building, almost bumping Sangin on the way.

"Oppa!" "Jieun-nah!"

"Are you leaving now?" She asked once she regained her balance.

"I was about to. I was wondering when you'd decide to show up. I already went to see the others, and now that you are here, give me a hug and I'll be on my merry way." He opened up his arms as Jieun laughed and gave him a warm hug.

"I'm gonna miss you oppa." She said. As they pulled away, she playful wiped her eyes as though she was going to cry, in which Sangin scoffed, but smiled at her before picking up his suitcase.

"Alright, be safe, I'll be back before you even know it. And oh, I found someone to replace me for awhile, so don't worry Jieun-nah, you'll be in good hands."

"Alright Oppa, take care of yourself and your sister. Send her my regards." She replied.

Once Hanteo and Sangin drove off, She made her way to her office, greeting her staff on the way. She almost bumped into another person again for the second time today, because said person was walking rather quickly towards her direction. It was one of her make-up artists, Minyoung.

As I have nothing to give you, I give you my heart (IU Verse Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now