Chapter 10

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Author's note: For those of you who are wondering what Jihyuk looks like, I do have a mental picture of him, and the person that is closest to what he may look like is Jang Seungjo, his pic above. The name "Jihyuk" is also inspired by his character in the drama "Good detective." If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend especially if you like crime and mystery shows. Anywho, I know that it is not Saturday yet, but I decided to post three chapters this week for the chapters to end with an even number every week. (I know, I'm very weird with this type of stuff). Anyway, enjoy! 

          Jieun was more than ready to retire for the day. She had just finished her last interview with Yoo Heeyeol and she was excited to go home and just sleep. She wasn't even hungry from the big lunch that she had back at Edam. She bid goodbye to You Heeyeol (she had grown to call him her uncle) and the staff before she made her way backstage where she found Jihyuk standing at the corner waiting for her. He greeted her with a slight bow as she approached him. When he regained his upward posture, Jieun noticed that he was trying to keep his eyes from closing, and couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

           "Being at the hospital for a while must have taken a toll on you. You looked even more tired than I am." She commented.

           Jihyuk grew red as he tried to straighten his posture and apologized for his behavior. Jieun shook her head saying that it's fine as she turned around and began to walk towards the exit of the stage, but not before throwing him that rare smile of hers; the teasing smile with her head inclined sideways that she seemed to always wear around him. For some unknown reason, his chest began to feel warm at the sight of her smile, and couldn't help but tug his own lips upwards. He seemed to be smiling whenever he was around her, he had noticed. Maybe it was because of her bubbly personality; how she always seemed to light every room she's in.

           He followed her with his mind slightly dazed.

           They had gone to Jieun's favorite restaurant to get dinner although Jieun wasn't feeling hungry, she knew that Jihyuk would still insist on them going. The man seemed to be nagging her unintentionally; instead of being annoyed by it, her heart swelled. Even her team members and her family (her best friend, Yoo In Na, is included as her family of course) had never nagged her about eating as much as the male. It was new to her; that a man she barely knew cared about her wellbeing. Although she knew that he was just doing his job (even if some things he did are more than necessary, she thinks), she couldn't help but feel the warmth radiating through her body. 

           Her thoughts were interrupted when her second favorite halmonie, the store owner, came with their orders. Both of them had ordered the same thing as last time (Jieun had taken out the tteokbokki because she wasn't hungry), but Jihyuk's order was increased by a bowl of spicy rice cakes. He looked at it quizzically and told the halmonie that he didn't order it, to which she laughed.

           "Aigoo, this one is on the house, Jihyuk ssi. This old lady couldn't bear to see you eat so little." She told him. Jieun nodded agreeing with her. Jihyuk bowed to the older woman in thanks, to which she laughed it off and told them to enjoy their meal.

           After she went to the back of the store and left them with their meal, they slowly began to dig in. Jieun watched as Jihyuk took a bite of the tteokbokki, and she felt her lips tugging upwards when she saw how his eyes lit up at the first bite. He continued digging on it, not noticing how Jieun had her eyes on him the whole time.

          "Is it good?" she asked. Jihyuk looked up from his plate to see that she was already looking at him, waiting for his answer. He managed to nod and gulped down his food before giving her a proper answer.

As I have nothing to give you, I give you my heart (IU Verse Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now