Chapter 35

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     As soon as Jihyuk had ended the call with his mother, he immediately informed Sangil about the newfound information he had gotten from her, and almost 15 minutes after the police force was surrounding the area of the address that his mother had given him. Sangil and Jihyuk were two of the many agents that were right outside the small firm, with their guns pointed towards the door. Jihyuk peered through the window to find the inside of the firm empty. He glanced at Sangil and with his eyes told him what he found, Sangil kicked the door open and the rest of the agents swarmed into the firm behind him.

     All they could find were a bunch of notes on the floor and the coffee table of the small office area. Packs of cigarettes were also scattered everywhere. Sangil motioned for them to search the whole house as agents swarmed in different directions, searching for any sign of Daeyoung. The lad was nowhere to be found. There was a plate of Jajangmyeon left forgotten on the coffee table, amongst the notebooks and the packs of cigarettes. Sangil went to touch it and noticed that it was lukewarm; so it hadn't been long since Kim Daeyoung was here. He took his phone out and unlocked it, turning to Jihyuk who was right beside him as he did so. "He must've fled when he saw the news. He knows that your mother knows where he is. We need to keep watch on your mother too. I'm sending agents to her address. Call her and tell her to not be alarmed." Jihyuk nodded and began dialing his mother's phone number.

     Sangil went into a corner and sat down on one of the vacant chairs, lost in thought. After Jihyuk ended the call with his mother, he went over to the older man. His eyes were bloodshot even if he had at least an hour or so of sleep. Jihyuk couldn't imagine what he looked like since he hadn't slept at all. "He mustn't have gone far. We should implement traffic stops on every road to search every single vehicle. We need to tell them that we are looking for a man in his late 20s. He is probably trying to disguise himself right now, so we need to tell them to look for someone with a snake tattoo on the left side of his neck."

     With an approval nod from Sangil, he went to make calls, and not long on every single road, every single intersection was swarmed with police cars and police officers. The citizens who were just going about their day were confused and taken aback, but cooperated with the police.

      Meanwhile, Park Sujin was incredibly pissed at Kim Daeyoung. No, perhaps it wasn't a strong enough word. She was livid. And rightfully so. 

     They were both in Daeyoung's old pickup truck on a deserted street. She didn't know where they were going nor did she care. The fact that he had come to her house without her permission sent her over to the edge. He had come asking for her, and she deemed herself stupid by getting out of her house to meet him after her housekeeper had fetched her and told her that an unknown man dressed in black was asking for her. She didn't see his face because he was wearing a black cap and his head was cast downwards, the tattoo of a serpent grazed across his neck. He only told the maid that Sujin would know who he was.

      Sujin was ready to tell him off; he was stepping out of line by coming to her house, but he had silenced her and pulled her towards the car, and shoved her into the passenger seat. She had no time to process what was happening because he had gotten to the other side and started driving.

     Now they were on an unknown road and Sujin was continuously hitting his side and throwing curses at him, all of which he ignored. "Sujin ssi, calm down. Cursing at me is not going to change the fact that you're here right now," He said calmly. Sujin huffed and stopped throwing punches at him, but her anger did not subside. "You crossed the line, you idiot. How dare you come to my house without my permission, and kidnap me? Where the hell are we going?" She looked outside the window, only to see that the sides of the road were almost deserted, save for a few residents feet apart from each other. "I'm not kidnapping you, Sujin ssi. You know who I am, so there's no point in doing so. I'm just taking you somewhere with me," Sujin scoffed. "Taking me somewhere without my permission is essentially kidnapping, you brainless idiot." Daeyoung ignored her comment and continued looking onward to the road. Seeing that he didn't comment on her rude remark, she huffed in frustration once more as she leaned back on the seat. There is no point in arguing when he's even not participating.

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