Chapter 26

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     The first thing Jihyuk saw when he came to consciousness was the white ceiling above him. His eyes came into focus as he blinked slowly and took in his surroundings and realized where he was. He was in the hospital room, the events that he last witnessed came flooding back to him. He groaned slightly as he felt pain all over his body. He slowly sat up and rubbed his head. He looked down at his chest to see that it was bare and was wrapped around by a bandage. He sighed and tried to move his legs, and after some time, he managed to swing them over to the side of the bed. He slid into the slippers provided by the hospital and slowly got up from the bed. 

​​     The door slid open, revealing Sangin and his mother standing in the doorway. Sangin was carrying a duffle bag and his mom was carrying a picnic basket, much like Minyoung and Seri did when he was first hospitalized. His mother went to his side immediately as soon as her eyes landed on him and helped him to stand properly, and after some coaching, Jihyuk was able to walk and move normally with his legs. Both she and Sangin helped him to the table where they all sat down. His mother grabbed the sandwiches from the picnic basket and handed them to Jihyuk, who took them gratefully. This felt like deja vu to him. He was experiencing that day all over again.

     His mother remained quiet as she looked at her son in awe as if seeing him for the first time. She was used to seeing him on the hospital bed, looking so lifeless. Now that he was awake, okay, she found it hard to believe her own eyes.

     Sangin began to explain what happened to him as he ate.

     "You were out for about a week now. The doctor said you were able to recover from the accident and you should be able to wake up within two days after your surgery, but you were out for longer than we had expected."

     Jihyuk's eyes were wide at the revelation. "I was out for a week?" The older man could only nod. 

     He finished the rest of the water and placed it on the table after he's done. "When can I be discharged?" He asked.

     "The doctor said that you can be discharged once you wake up and are feeling okay enough to go home."

     Jihyuk nodded his head.

     "What about Jieun ssi, is she alright?" His mother's face faltered at her name, but she didn't say anything. Jihyuk had a look of concern and fear edged on his face as if waiting for the worst possible answer. It didn't go unnoticed by her. This man had just woke up from a mini coma and the first thing he thought of was Jieun's safety.  It was at that moment that Lee Dame realized that her son had fallen hard for Jieun as much as she did for him. The time she spent with Jieun in the waiting room both crying for her son made her realized that she loved him too.

     Sangin seemed to hesitate at the mention of her name, but he soon replied, "Yes, she's alright." 

     After Jihyuk had finished eating, Sangin pulled out a set of clothes for him to change from the duffle bag and his mother helped him to get changed, while Sangin filled in the papers to help him get discharged. Once he was discharged and out of the hospital, his mother bid him goodbye with a kiss on the cheek, and reluctantly let him go, a look of sadness edged on her face as she watched Sangin and Jihyuk drive away in Sangin's car. Once he finds out what happened, he'll be even more scared and afraid. That was the last thought that she had before she turned back and walked pompously away in the other direction. 

     Sangin drove him to Jieun's apartment complex. Before Jihyuk could go in, however, Sangin stopped him, causing him to turn back. Sangin didn't say anything; he was looking at the younger man and looking as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't. "What is it, Hyung?"

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