Chapter 3

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Seri and Minyoung were more than happy to give the new bodyguard a tour around the place while Jieun went to get ready for her afternoon schedule which was filming her new movie Dream. He trailed behind them looking almost like a lost puppy as he looked around. He had never been in a building this huge; well, except for the NPA; but he was already feeling lost since there were so many floors and corridors and not to mention there were alot of different rooms. He also met some of the staff along the way and was already losing track of who is who and what department they were in. It seemed like everyone working here was all under IU, therefore he had to get to know everyone and hopefully get along with them.

Once the tour was finished, they walked him to the entrance of the building, where Jieun was already there waiting for him by the car.

"Well, this is where we leave you," Seri said.

"Sadly." Minyoung mumbled under her breath as Seri grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her back inside the building.

"Hi," Jieun greeted him once it was only the two of them.

Jihyuk bowed to greet her and Jieun chuckled at his politeness. "Is something wrong?" He asked, confused.

She tilted her head to the side and smiled, "It's just that, you're so formal and everything. We are going to work together for quite some time, so we can drop the formalities, don't you think?" She asked casually.

"Oh, okay then." He said trying to sound as casual as her.

They both reached for the car handle only for their hands to be brushed lightly against each other. He retracted his hand quickly and bowed slightly in apology. She gave him a reassuring smile and went inside, leaving him to sit in the passenger seat. The driver looked at him weirdly before starting the engine and drove off to the movie set.

"Good work everyone." Jieun bowed to the people on set as the director finally wrapped up the scene. It was evening and she was starving as she had eaten nothing but the sandwich this morning.

She scanned the area in search for her new bodyguard and it didn't take her long to find him. He was a few meters away from the director's chair standing straight with his hands folded in front of him, which was something she had seen him often do. She let out a small smile as she made her way towards him.

"Hi there. Don't tell me you stood here all day."

He whipped his head towards her and again, bowed to her in greeting. "Ah, Jieun-ssi. Are you done already?"

She nodded and smiled slightly while gesturing to the people on set who were busy wrapping up the place.

"Ah. right." He scratched his head, looking somewhat nervous.

She stared at him amusedly before going to the direction of the car only to stop when she felt her arm being tugged slightly.

"Urm, the driver had to urm, go back to the company so he left the car to me. And I-urm, parked it over there."

He pointed in the opposite direction. "I figured it's nearer to this area."

Jieun squinted her eyes at him in confusion.

"Um, alright. But you know you don't have to do that right? It's fine for me either way."

Jihyuk quickly nodded his head in understanding. They made their way to the car silently without saying another word to each other. Woojin opened the back door for her as she opened the passenger door.

As I have nothing to give you, I give you my heart (IU Verse Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now