Chapter 40

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     Jihyuk ended up waking up late. Instead of hurrying to get ready, he lay in bed for an extra 10 minutes before heaving himself out of it. After he had phoned the office and informed them that he was going to turn in the afternoon, he slowly got up from bed and got ready for the day. He made himself a small breakfast before driving to Edam Entertainment. He figured he could drop by and see if the remaining staff got any news from Columbia. He wasn't able to text Jieun the night before because he was too focused on the drama and he didn't get any text from her either, so he just figured that she was working. He sighed. He reminded himself to text her once he arrived at Edam Entertainment.

      Jihyuk entered through the entrance and into the lobby. He didn't notice that Hanteo and Seri were at the front desk, and by the time he reached the elevator, he heard someone calling him. He quickly turned around and saw that both Hanteo and Seri were walking towards him, waving. It took Jihyuk to register for a moment before he broke out a huge smile. They were back. Jieun was back.

     A million thoughts run through his mind, but the most important thing is that he needed to see Jieun as soon as possible. Seri seemed to read his mind as she laughed and gave him a hug once she approached him. "Jieun is in her office. She wanted to stop by before going home. Good thing she did, because you guys would have missed each other." They broke away as Jihyuk smiled at her and turned to give Hanteo a hug. "Is that Jihyuk?" They heard Sangin's voice as the two broke apart. "Hyung." Jihyuk greeted him as Sangin gave him a clap on the back. "Did you guys have fun in Columbia? Did you guys get to do anything besides filming?" Jihyuk asked. Seri just shrugged. "Well, we mostly stay on the set, obviously, because Jieun wanted to wrap it up as soon as possible." She gave Jihyuk a side smile before continuing, "But we went to a couple of places. Columbia is a beautiful country."

     Hanteo grinned at the two before he motioned Jihyuk towards the elevator. "Go ahead. Jieun's waiting for you." Jihyuk couldn't help the smile edging on his face as he bid them goodbye. Instead of taking a long time on the elevator, he strode to the escalator and took two steps at a time. Sangin, Hanteo, and Seri watched after his retreating figure shaking their heads, but nevertheless, a smile on their faces. "Aigoo. They really are in love, aren't they?" Seri said almost dreamily. Sangin had a proud smile on his face. "Even a blind person could see the love between the two. And they say absence makes the heart grow fonder." He said as if to justify Jihyuk's actions.

     Hanteo nudged him lightly. "Hyung. Was it your plan all along to choose Jihyuk as her bodyguard? I mean, they wouldn't have met if it wasn't for you." Sangin turned and gave him a grin, before looking back at the escalator but Jihyuk was gone at this point.

     "As much as I like to give myself credit, I think that I didn't choose Jihyuk. Jieun did." Seri and Hanteo looked at him in confusion, to which he just laughed.

     "A story for another day."


     Jihyuk arrived on Jieun's floor as he strode past the lobby, muttering good mornings to the people he passed. Once he reached Jieun's door, he knocked on it, and when he heard Jieun's voice telling him to come in, he broke into a huge smile as he swung the door open. Jieun turned around and gave him a wide smile when her eyes landed on him. She had no time to even open up her arms fully as Jihyuk picked her up and spun her around. She threw her arms around his neck as she laughed wholeheartedly. When he finally put her down, she leaned in close so that their noses were almost touching. "Hi." She said sweetly. Jihyuk couldn't contain his smile as he pressed a kiss on her nose, on her cheek, then on her lips. Jieun rested her hand on the back of his head and kissed him back.

As I have nothing to give you, I give you my heart (IU Verse Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now