Same Song

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Gaege Pov

One thing that I try to do, is to be always listening to music. Because then you can't get a song stuck in your head. I do it if I can. I always hate when I get a song stuck in my head. Not just because of the soulmates. But because it's so annoying. Cause you always get songs that you don't know too well in your head. And that's what's going on right now. I have a song stuck in my head and I can't even think of the name. I'm walking back to our house. When I say "our", I mean all of ours. Grant, Mully, Josh, Eddie, and I. We all share a house. I finally reach it and open the the door.

"Wassup fuckers?!" I shout as I walk in. 

"Shut the fuck up," I hear someone mutter. It's Grant. He's laying on the couch with a hand over his forehead.

"You good?" I ask.

"Yeah, just my head hurts. I got hella drunk last night," Grant says.

"Did you take some Aspirin?" I ask.

"'Did I take some Aspirin'? Who do you think I am?" Grant asks.

"Sorry, I didn't know if you forgot," I say.

"Nah, it's just not working," Grant says.

"Shouldn't you be in your room? There isn't much noise in there and you can draw the blinds," I say.

"They're doing shit in there. I haven't even tried to get close cause I know they'll hurt my head way beyond belief," Grant says.

"I thought you guys hung out last night, why don't they feel miserable?" I ask.

"They have a much better tolerance for alcohol than I do," Grant says. 

"How much did you drink?" I ask.

"3 beers," Grant says.

"Bull shit. I start getting tipsy at that amount," I say.

"F*ck you," Grant says. "You're younger than me. How the hell do you have better alcohol tolerance than I do?!"

"2 words my dear friend. High school," I say.

"I believe that. You can go hang out with Eddie and them. He's been bugging us all morning about this song he has stuck in his head that he can't figure out," Grant says.

"Huh, same," I say.

"You don't think..." Grant starts.

"Psssh, no. Whoever believes in that shit is stupid," I say.

"Ok, suit yourself. I'll be trying to rest out here," Grant says. I open the door to his room and I can already smell the alcohol.

"Who's all drunk?" I ask. All of them tipsily raise their hand. "Seriously Eddie?"

"What?" He asks. 

"You're the one with the best alcohol tolerance here," I say.

"Are you saying that just because I'm a Mexican?" He asks.

"No, I'm saying that because you've bragged to me on multiple occasions that you can shot gun 5 beers and not get tipsy," I say.

"Oh yeah, I can do that!" Eddie says.

"How many have you guys had?" I ask.

"I don't know. I lost track after like 6," Eddie says. 

"So you haven't worked your way up to 6 yet?" I ask.

"Ha ha," Eddie says.

"It's 10 in the morning. Why are you already drinking?" I ask.

"We haven't stopped," Mully chimes in.

"But out Mully," I say. "Come on, you guys are going to bed." Groans come and I get them out of the room. I get them some Aspirin for when they get up and a glass of water.

"What song is this?" Eddie mutters to me and he starts humming something. The same tune that's been on repeat in my head.

"I don't know. Now get some sleep," I say. Eddie's basically out right away. I leave the bedroom and go back to the living room. "Your room is free now."

"Thanks," Grant says. He gets up and goes to his room. I sit on the couch by myself, wondering about the fact that Eddie and I had the same song. It's probably nothing.

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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