Who's the Boss?

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Stretching my arms and legs feeling disoriented my eye sight blurred. I close them for a few seconds before sitting up on the cozy bed my hands behind my back on the bed balancing my weight.
Where am I?

The single sized bed was squashed against the wooden wall in the corner and nothing else was in the room.

“Cole?” I remember.

“I’m here Aaliyah,” he says.

Leaning against the door stands Cole looking concerned although he seemed to be wearing a different change of clothing. Instead of wearing his collar white shirt formal tie he was wearing a plain blue t-shirt and tight black jeans while I was wearing my white dress that has now been spoiled. Studying it I noticed the dress was caked with mud and lots of leaves were on it. Even my arms and legs were filthy.

I look up to Cole hesitatingly wanting to question him if he was alright. The last time I saw him he was in physical extreme pain screaming his head off despite that he seems to look in order.

“Are you feeling okay?” I ask mumbling.

“Yeah I am. I'm really sorry about that. I think you had a little bump though. I found you passed out in the woods near my cabin,” he replies.

“That as in you bending forwards clutching your stomach and then dragging me to the floor with you screaming in my ear that you broke my foster parent’s basement window ending with me racing after you?” I take a long breath out gasping for air after that mouthful.

Staring at me he nods his head awkwardly and scratches the back of his head.

“Yep that,” he says.

“So where am I?” I ask. Relieved with the change of subject he tittered. He spreads his arms out gesturing him welcoming me.

“Welcome to my precious humbled home,” he says using a really bad British posh accent.

I smile slightly tucking my hair behind my ears.

“That was positively the most revolting British accent I have ever heard,” I say playing along.

He bursts out laughing.

“Come on let’s get some get some food in you,” he says stretching his arm out for me to hold.
Eyeing his hand I gently place my hand in his.

“I cooked you some food while you were knocked out,” he explains.
"Do you mind if I take a shower first?"
“Yeah sure but there’s no shower here only a bath,” he says his eyes darkening for some reason.
“Thanks,” I say gratefully.

Cole gives me directions and I follow them to the bathroom.
“Crap your bed,” I say slapping my forehead with the palm of my hand but I make sure he can’t see what I just did I probably looked like a weird idiot.

“It’s okay I’ve got new spread sheets and stuff,” he says chuckling.
Once I have finished with my bath I go to the bedroom to find my shoes. Opening the door I scream.

Yep I screeched like a wild banshee on the loose.

There standing in front of me was Cole but not just Cole. It was his naked chest right in my face.

“Sorry I thought I would check on you," he says apologizing looking anywhere but at him. I nod and move around him. "It's okay," I said my voice wobbling.

In the kitchen we hardly talk. I think after that little ‘incident’ the progress we made vanished with the embarrassing moment. I don’t know if he was embarrassed but I sure was.

“How do you know my name?” I asked puzzled. When I had woken up he had called my name a few times.
He clears his throat taking his time to answer my question. I distinctly remember not telling him.
“Well I heard from my dad before he … you know and they seemed really excited that you were coming to Phoenix. My Father’s only attitude was grumpy and full of greed. When he wants something he would always get it not fairly though,” he says.

“Your Father seemed rather shifty,” I say.
“Yeah well that’s him,” he sighs then continues to eat his food.
Why would his dad be ecstatic of me here?

Not long later we sit in the living room and surprisingly the cabin wasn’t small at all, it was real homely.

Sitting on the couch feeling relaxed I begin to feel more comfortable with him since he had told me about his father. Telling me about him must mean that he trusts me to keep it to myself. I was thinking over the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Len might be wondering where I am but you never know. They might have forgotten about me and too busy partying with their ‘Boss’.

Cole and I were watching Phineas and Ferb my favorite cartoon.
I remember him telling me about his name.

“Cole what’s your last name again?” I ask.

“Bodaway,” he answers.

My foster parents boss?
The evil hearted man who may have ordered them to adopt me.


All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2013 Kya

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