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Copyright © 2013 Kya


 “Hey, guys so are you coming?” The guy from the hallway who was rude before asked. Cole and I had walked out of school to the parking lot that was where his friends were waiting for us, there were a few people outside chilling. I think that bad boy; Benjamin was the person sitting on the bonnet (The hood) of a car, smoking. His friends were gathered around the vehicle laughing their heads off.

 “Yep but we get to choose which movie to watch” Cole yells back

 “Sure man”

 “Wait a minute Cole” I tell him

 “What?” he says stopping, he faces me a look of confusion on his face presumably thinking I’ve changed my mind to skip class if we go to the mall and the cinemas we’ll skip half the day of school. But it’s not like I care, I hate school because of the amount of homework you receive and revision you have to learn of by heart.

 “I don’t have a car, Ethel dropped me off school. I don’t think we can go there are like thirteen of us in total, where are we gonna go?” I whisper

Cole laughs it off mumbling to himself

 “It’s okay there are enough cars for all of us to go, it’s just that most of them are there already. I have a car” he answers “Now get a move on, sometimes the teachers come out at this time and check if anyone is breaking the rules, by not going to class or even smoking. If they catch you you will have detention perhaps worse for you because it is your first day of school” he says. Wow that sounds unpleasant.

 “You know, Cole it seems to me as if your stalking me. You first end up in the basement, popping out of no-where then you make appearance at the very same school I’ve started the next day. Are you following me?” I ask me and Cole were currently checking out some stores; we decided to spend some time touring because I didn’t know where everything was then after go ahead to cinemas.

 “You also called me a stalker yesterday Aaliyah, maybe I am” he concludes

 I gasp, slapping his arm “Very funny, seriously though I have a feeling someone is following me” I say staring at the ground.

 “Well I would too, I mean who wouldn’t. Your name is Aaliyah right?” I blush. That voice sounds familiar; I hear a threatening growl come Cole his grip on my arm tightens.

 “Nayati, leave now before I violently rip that head of yours off” Cole huffs, my arm has gone numb. Benjamin?

 “Benjamin what are you doing here” I ask curling myself around Cole whilst glaring at him accusingly. So I was correct when I had the feeling some person was behind me listening and stalking me.

 “Oh, you know” he puts his hands in his pockets trying to look innocent “I thought I would look around, maybe go to the cinemas” he adds smirking. I dislike him already. His gang come out behind him chuckling, all of them maliciously smiling at me and Cole and his friends. Both groups begin to stare at each other fire in their eyes.

The atmosphere changed drastically, my whole body was on defence it had a mind of its own. I unexpectedly I am dizzy the people around me appear slow-motion, Benjamin face is red with anger which is directed at us but mainly Cole, his mouth forms words really slowly yelling ferociously. All the attention was on Benjamin and his gang and Cole and us. The place was in an uproar, I could hear everyone who was speaking, I could everyone’s thoughts merging together and the vibrations were coming off in waves.

 Oh, dear me

 Teenagers these days

  Fight, fight, fight!!!

  I hate school; glad we skipped now we get to kick some ass, finally

  I loathe boys all they do is fight, sleep and eat, so lazy

The vibrations were pushing me backwards. I set my hands on my ears feeling physical pain throughout my entire body the frequency was climbing higher and higher.

 Crazy boys

 What a racket


 Alphas son

 He doesn’t deserve the title. When I kill him no-one will miss him, pathetic.

 “Whaaaaa shhheeeee doooooinn” somebody says noticing my discomfort. This is too much for me, my brain is literally frying, practically burning with all these thoughts and sounds.


The noise vanishes along with the pain

Aaliyah; It is beginning, be wise and use your skills to aid you through what is to come. Always remember where you come from otherwise we are all at lost; if we are lost we will die. The whispers continue replaying, overlapping each other of the sound of the old woman’s whispers.

I wake up gasping for air

 “Aaliyah! Are you okay? Here let me fetch you some water your probably thirsty after all that screaming you did at the mall”  

  “Fine” I keep my voice as small as possible so it doesn’t hurt me I seem to feel better than I thought I would.

 “Tilt your head up Sweetie, slowly. That’s right, okay. Good, how do you feel?”

 “Fine, Mrs Len” I nearly shout. When did she become so attached and caring towards me? Last time I saw her she was shouting down my eardrum asking me questions. How did I get here anyway I don’t remember arriving at the house I live in, do see why I don’t say home.

 “You have been out cold, for the last 8hours Aaliyah I need to know that you are well and healthy” she snaps

 Sighing I shake my head in exasperation I fall back to bed I always have to collapse don’t I. This is the second time now. The first time was when I was running after Cole; I had crumpled to the ground because I had seen…

“Teenagers” Mrs Len also shakes her head and walks out of my bedroom, knowing I am acting my usual self-contained self.

Well, not teenagers but something else, something black






Captivated (FIRST DRAFT, NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now