Chapter Fifteen

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       I changed my clothes before I left. A Beach Boys t-shirt sufficed along with a pair of ripped jeans and flip flops. I kissed Dad on the cheek on the way out the door. "Thanks for today, Daddy." He grunted, plopping himself on the sofa with his bottle of whiskey.
       Here we go.
       But I had to be grateful that he remained sober for some fraction of the day.
    When I pulled into the Davis's driveway, Sawyer was already out, waiting on the porch. Within a few seconds, he was already opening the driver's side door for me and stepping aside to let me out then shut the door. In the back, I heard barking. When did he get a dog? "Happy birthday," he beamed, kissing me on the mouth
    I breathed it in, thinking for a split second what life would be like if I didn't choose to go to Louisiana.
    I wouldn't change my mind though. My mind was set.
    "Thank you," I said. Sawyer only moved his head away as he took my hand, leading me inside with a smirk on his face. "What are you up to?"
    "Oh, nothing. My family is just eager to see you. I hope you like ice cream cake," he glanced over at me and winked. I blushed to zero surprise at this point.
    "Yes, I do," we climbed up the porch to the front door and he pushed it open.
    It was dark and there was absolutely nobody in the front room or the kitchen I realized when I looked passed. I didn't have the slightest idea what Sawyer was even doing.
    We stalked across the dark house to the stairway that he led me down. My mind was flooded with questions. When we rounded the corner at the still dark landing, there was a whisper, "One. Two. Three." Then, "Surprise!" The lights turned on suddenly.
    Despite myself, I squealed, startled. I felt natural pulling Sawyer's hand that held mine to bring him closer then practically jumping on him. Sawyer laughed at my startled state, rubbing my back in comfort at the same time that everybody emerged from their hiding spots behind the sofa and the loveseat.
    A surprise party. Just for me. It was nothing that I ever could've expected. I was overwhelmed with joy at the love these people made me feel in this very moment.
    I pulled away from Sawyer, though I took his hand again, holding on tight. I smiled with all the excitement I could muster as I faced the people staring at me to see who was all apart of this. From left to right, Timothy, Julia, Dawson, Whitney, Taylor, Sofia, and--
    The warmth of tears heated my face the moment I noticed her. I released Sawyer's hand, cupping my own over my mouth. "You're here?" I whimpered with enthusiasm. It had only been a few weeks since I'd been in Louisiana, but I couldn't help always missing her. Audrey gave a nod and opened her arms, inviting me to run to her and bury her in a tight bear hug.
    "You really didn't think I'd miss your birthday, did you?" I said nothing. "Happy birthday, Baby Sister." She kissed the top of my head and I stepped away from her, wiping my tears.
      I glanced back at Sawyer. Of course he had something to do with this. He knew how much I loved Audrey. How?
      He seemed to read the question in my eyes. "Remember when we left you to stay home with Dawson a week or so ago?" I nodded and he gestured to Taylor and Sofia. "They came into the store before your shift that morning and proposed this little idea to me and my parents. Daws and Whit wanted to join as well, but they are blabbermouths, so we wanted to keep them as out of the planning as possible." Sawyer smirked in their direction. I noticed that it was a different smirk than what he gave me. I couldn't place the difference, but it was there.
       Dawson and Whitney looked offended. "We are not!" They yelled in unison.
      The whole room just laughed and Sawyer snickered, continuing. "After closing, we met at Sofia's, called up Audrey, and planned this little celebration."
      It all made sense. Why they wouldn't tell me where they were going. Why the girls seemed to know exactly how cute Sawyer was. I shook my head in disappointment at myself for not putting the pieces together. "Y'all are seriously the best."
      Taylor and Sofia approached, enveloping me in a group hug. Pulled away, Taylor whispered in my ear. "He's got some nice biceps," sneaking a peek at Sawyer.
       I nearly cackled, playfully slapping her for checking out my man. My man. "Taylor!" Sofia must have heard too because she was busting up in laughter.
      We all mingled for a little while. Whitney told me all about her eHarmony boy who she liked immensely. His name was Devon, he had three dogs, and he wanted lots of kids. No wonder she liked him so much. Sofia went on and on about Benecio, announcing that she now had a long-distance relationship with him. For her sake, I hoped it would last. As for Taylor, she was completely over Caleb. She finally realized that she didn't need him and that she didn't deserve him. She was also very into Whitney's stories about Devon, so she decided to join eHarmony as well to find her own.
       "Presents!" Timothy called.
        I gawked at Sawyer. "I said no presents!"
      "Oh, just shut up and be grateful," he countered, not rudely.
       I shook my head, chuckling. "You royally suck, Sawyer Davis." He grinned in return.
"Mine first!" Taylor sang, handing me hers. "I'm gonna borrow it at least once a week."
There was no doubt in my mind that whatever was in this bag, Taylor would take full advantage.
       I pulled the paper from the green bag, pulling out a spaghetti strap sundress. It was an off-white color decorated with sunflowers and brown buttons come up from the bottom. It was stinkin' adorable! I found Taylor beside me, giving her a hug. "Thank you. I love it."
      She returned the hug then pulled away, giddy with excitement. "Feel around it!"
      Confused, I felt around the dress and held it up a few times trying to find what I was supposed to. I glimpsed at Taylor when I gave up. She then reached over, placed her hand inside the dress and wiggled it around.
      Every girl in the room gasped, including me. "It has pockets!" I exclaimed. I'd never had a dress with pockets before. I would love this. Somewhere around me, I heard Sawyer laughing for reasons that I knew. It was probably very strange for him to be around a bunch of girls that were so ecstatic about pockets on dresses.
       "My turn," Sofia said, handing me a pink Pink sack. I really hoped that the bag's contents did not include lingerie.
       It did not, to my relief. I pulled out a pair of black Pink sweatpants and a sweatshirt; items from the store that I could never afford, but always wanted. The girls both had at least two pairs of the sweatpants. All that I could ever afford there was undies and bras since there were fairly decent sales for them every time I went. I reached for Sofia, wrapping her in a hug. "Thank you, Sof."
       "There's still more," she pointed to the bag. I pulled away, checking the bag another time. A Pink twenty-five dollar gift card.
       "Thank you," I said again, putting the sweats back in the bag.
       "Now me!" Audrey practically threw her's at me, so I caught it, giggling. It wasn't in anything. It was actually a brand new black JanSport backpack with things inside. I assumed the backpack was for college. I zipped it open to find a bunch of goodies including, M&M's, Reese's, and Butterfingers. Under all of that was a thin navy blue material. I pulled out the two piece tankini swimming suit. I knew that it was because Audrey liked to go to the beach sometimes. There was one only a few hours away from her apartment.
        I motioned to Audrey to come over so that I could give her a hug. "Thank you, Auddie."
        I held on for a little longer before pulling away. "I know it's kinda a random array of things. Just thought I'd help you get started."
        Sawyer approached me with his gift, looking a little sad. I assumed that it was because Audrey's gift reminded him that I was leaving. I knew he didn't want me to go. He smiled at me anyway, handing me his gift that was a little heavier than the rest.
       I pulled a decently sized rectangular thing out from the sack then opened the box. Inside was a round thing. What was this? I examined it, peering at Sawyer when I was lost on what it was.
       He chuckled, taking it from me. "It's a portable planetarium."
      I blinked. "What?"
     "I'd already tried it and it's awesome," he said, turning it on. "Mom, will you turn off the lights?" Julia did so and the room glowed blue.
      "Woah," a few people in the room commented.
      "Look up," Sawyer told me. When I did, I saw the room filled with stars. It felt as though I was in space. I stared, mesmerized. I felt Sawyer's stare as I marvelled in the beauty of it all. "Now, whenever it rains, you can still see your favorite thing."
      I  stood and pulled him into an embrace, warmth filling me from head to toe. "Thank you," I said so that only he could hear. Then I kissed him like we were the only two in the room. Giggling sounded from behind me. I knew that at least one was from Taylor. I didn't care. They could all watch me as I fell for Sawyer then break when I left. I wanted him without worrying what was going to happen next.
      Who said that I would have to break it off before moving besides me?
      Things could work. It was possible, I realized.
      A few seconds passed before I pulled away. Sawyer was flushing and I certainly was too. "I'm crazy about you, Atlas Greene." His eyes flicked between mine. What was my luck anyway? Getting to be with Sawyer of all guys. It was like a dream.
      "Okay, our turn!" Timothy interrupted. Sawyer and I laughed when we realized that, yes, we were not the only people there. Tim handed me the gift from him and Julia that was just an envelope with a Walmart gift card and a card written on by them both.
      "Thank you," I sincerely said to them both.
       Then I opened Whitney's. It was three books of roughly the same length titled, The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay.
      "This series is freaking amazing. You better like to read because I want to fangirl with you about it."
      I chuckled. I'd heard about the series from a few people, but I forgot what it was called, so I never found it. "I've been looking for a good read for a while. Thanks Whitney," I told her, placing the books back in the gift sack.
       The last one was from Dawson. In a small bag was a single Angry Birds stuffed animal. It was the main red bird. I looked back at Dawson. "Thanks buddy." I reached my hand back for us to do our silly handshake that we made up a week ago.
      After finishing up gifts, Adurey said that she had something to show me. She led me upstairs and out the back door. I was welcomed almost immediately by a large black dog jumping on me. Winston!
      I beamed at Audrey. "You got him!" She nodded. "Did you drive here then?"
      Another nod. I just couldn't leave him home. And I want you to have him until you come back to Louisiana."
      "You're leaving him?"
       "Sawyer said that Winnie can stay in their backyard while I'm getting the apartment ready for you," she winked.
        "Cake!" Sawyer called from inside.

         The party went on for over three hours until everybody left with the exception of Audrey. Julia invited her to stay the night since she would be leaving in the morning. Julia insisted that Audrey get better rest than she would in the hotel room. Audrey took her up on the offer, so Julia showed her to the guest room then her and Tim crashed. Audrey stayed up with Sawyer and I for a little longer before hitting the hay. "Make good choices," she made the "I am watching you" sign with her fingers at us both.
      We went upstairs into Sawyer's room with the first Hunger Games book and the projector that he gave me, leaving the door open and we huddled close on his bed. He wrapped only me in the covers. I used the crook of his neck as a pillow like I had last night. Above us were the stars from the projector. "Thank you for today," I told him in a soft tone.
        He shrugged. "I wanted to." He picked up the book. The words could still be seen because of the light from the projected image. "Now, what do ya say?"
        I nodded, so he started reading it out loud. His voice in that whispered tone was so much a lullaby to me that I nearly fell asleep. I still had Dad's curfew for me, so I couldn't fall asleep. I fought it until Sawyer finished reading chapter one and set the book back down.
       "Atlas, if I tell you this, are you going to shun me again?" He asked. The question caught me off guard. At this point, shunning him would be impossible, so I shook my head. He stuttered some. "I-" He sighed. "I'm in love with you, Atlas."
       Something inside me jumped. I lifted my head to look at him. "You are?"
        "I am. And I don't expect you to say anything, so don't feel like you have to know right away."
        Did I love him? I had no idea. What even was love? I'd thought that I knew, but now, being in the midst, I wasn't so sure. As much as I wanted to return the words right then and there, maybe it wouldn't be smart in the moment. I would wait just a little longer. Instead of saying anything, I kissed him then returned to my previous position.
        "I know," he started again after a pause. "That you're leaving, but I'm at least hoping that..." He trailed off, my heart was pounding in anticipation with what he was about to say. I waited. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
    There it was. My heart stopped then started again. I didn't know my feelings just yet, but  I knew that I wanted to be more than just a summer fling, so I nodded. "Yes, I will."
        He breathed a sigh of relief, pulling me to him tighter. "I should get you home, huh?"
        "I drove here, Sawyer."
       "Oh, right. Darn."
        I giggled, getting up. He rolled off the bed so that I didn't need to climb over him and he led me downstairs, out the door, and to my car. "Drive safe," he said, kissing me then releasing me so that I could get in the driver's seat.
      "I will." I put the key in the ignition. "See you at work tomorrow, Snookums." I smirked, backing out of the driveway.
      "I still don't like that," he called.

       I pulled into my driveway twenty minutes before curfew and got out, locking the car. I left all the gifts in the back. I would just get them in the morning since I was too tired to get them now.
        I trudged up my porch to see Caleb in an orange jumpsuit sitting on an outdoor chair. I stopped in my tracks. "Hello, Atlas."

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