Part 27

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That night peter asks to wake me on a date and I agreed. "Be ready by 7" I nod and he leaves my room I look at the clock realising it's 5. "Sheesh I only have 2 hours" I run to get in the shower. Then I do my hair and makeup. Then I go to my wardrobe to find a little box on the floor.

Surprise one:

I open to box to a baby blue dress and put it on. Then I walk out my room to meet Peter. When I get downstairs all the avengers look at me as if they are about to cry. "Good luck" they all say  me and Peter leave. "You look beautiful" he says as we walk through the park together. The sun was just setting and the moon was rising it was beautiful "peter what are we doing here" he smiles and gets onto one knee.

"River, I love you with every inch off my heart and even after everything we are still together. That's all I want and all I will ever want so... river Rodgers Barnes will you marry me"

At this point tears where falling down my cheeks effortlessly. "Yes yes 1000 times yes" Peter jumps up sliding the ring onto my finger and lifting me into the air hugging me. Then my dads appear from around the corner and run to hug me. "Dad we are engaged" they hug me tighter and both start to cry.

~3 years later~

Me auntie Nat Wanda and mj where all in the bathroom at the wedding reception. They where all crying as I walked out in my wedding dress
"You look stunning"

 They where all crying as I walked out in my wedding dress"You look stunning"

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Peter dads and Tony where all in the room next door. It was finally time to get married. The music started and I walked out down the isle. Peter has tears in his eyes and so do my dads. I get to the end and we do all the usual. Now it's time for the vows.

"Peter.. from the day we met when I was kicked from boarding school and had to come back to home I knew I would live you. You helped me through everything and that's why I'm here today"

"River, I had an entire speech planned out to say but I can't think off one work right now your the most beautiful girl in my life and I can't wait to spend it with you"

I smile slightly blushing and lean in kissing Peter. "I now pronounce you husband and wife"

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