Part 31

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The next morning I woke up to the mission alarm blaring. Actually I'm pretty sure everyone did. When dad came down stairs in his suit his hair was still a mess and he was clearly tired. "Wow dad what's happening" dad shrugged. "We need to get ready and leave NOW!" Tony was dressed so I rushdd to grab my suit and got ready so did Peter and everyone else.

We left the Compound and went to the cenrter of the city. We fight the villain when Peter calls something through the cons.

"Guys I found a baby"
"A what"
"Where are the parents"
"Dead under a car"
"Oh shit"
"Can I have it"
"No river"
"Well what else are we gonna do"
"Leave it"
"Please let me look after it"

I rush to Peter who was holding the baby girl. "Is she ok" he nods. "Dad I'm taking her home" me and Peter rush the baby home and make sure she is ok. "Is she Injured" I shake my head "she's fine Peter" he smiles "what shall we name her" I look at the blanket she is wrapped in. "Rosie" Peter looks at me confused "look at her blanket" he realises that her name is stitched into her blanket and agrees.

"Peter where is she gonna stay" in that moment everyone arrives home "il decorate a nursery" tony says "thanks Tony" I realised keeping a child isn't good. I would have to somehow figure out how to adopt her. "Babe..?" He looked straight into my eyes "what's up" I pull him aside from everyone else "we need to keep this baby..I think we should adopt her" Peter was sceptical at first but finally agreed. I mean it was a win win. The baby would have powers so it would grow up living a normal life. No issues. No drama. Just a child who had avenger parents.

After a little while me and Peter took Rosie out for a walk. Where really we were going to adopt her. We reached the adoption hall centre but I stoped. "What if they don't let us" Peter smiled at me "don't panic" I gave a nod and he grabbed my hand as we walked in.

~back home~ Steve's POV
Tony had gone out and bought the stuff for the nursery. We had a spare room next to river and peters so we used that. We started by painting the walls a really light pink. After a long time decorating and tracking river to see where she was it was finished. The room was beautiful "babe come see this" Bucky came running up the stairs and stepped into the room. Tears filled his eyes. "It looks like rivers did" I nodded he hugged me tightly as we heard the front door open.

~your POV~
We had done it! Officially became rosie's parents. A big smile hemmed across my face as I hid the paper behind my back walking into the compound. "DAD" they both came running downstairs. "Hey riv are you ok" I nodded and showed them the paper. The looked up and smiled "we are officially her parents" they bother hugged me then Peter. "Congrats guys...we have a little surprise" I looked at them confused as they grabbed mine and peters arms and pulled us upstairs. Peter was holding Rosie in one arm. "Careful Peter" he laughed "yea I will be" we got up the stairs and they gestured to the spare room next to ours.

I walked in to a lovely nursery. Pale pink with a crib,chair,flowers and lots more...

 Pale pink with a crib,chair,flowers and lots more

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