Chapter 5: The movies

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Taehyung POV.

After what had happened with getting the staff man arrested, we decided to do a early morning party. But before we actually did anything, Jin said that since it was too early, we should just make one in the late afternoon. He also said we could invite other people over too. We agreed but we were also confused on what to do until then.

Jimin: "why don't we go to a park or a carnival!"
Yoongi: "I have an idea! why don't we just sleep in and set an alarm till then!"
Jin: "we can't just sleep until then Yoongi. lets just do something active"
Namjoon: "I have no clue on what we should do. I honestly don't want to do anything."
Jungkook: "why don't we go see some movies. we can go in different groups and see different movies!"
Me: "that's a great idea! Let's do that then! I call Jungkook as my partner!"
Jin: "ok then I will go with Namjoon and Jimin and Yoongi can go with each other."
Me: "now lets see what movies they have out."
Jungkook: "hey Taehyung, can we see Iron Man..."
Me: "hmm ok! me and Jungkook will watch Iron Man. Now y'all need to choose."
Jin: "me and Namjoon will watch a horror movie."
Jimin: "me and Yoongi will watch Jaws!"

So everyone had decided on who was watching what. We all got ready in some comfy clothing and we were all bringing blankets with. We all got into our perspective cars with our partners and started off to the theater. When we got there, we realized we forgot to ask our manager to reserve the whole place for us so we tried to hide our faces by moving our hair around or putting glasses or a mask. We went inside and was so amazed on how it looked. There were so many vibrant but basic colors on the walls and the place also had games and VR games to play. We went to the confection stand and bought big bowls of popcorn and sodas. I watched as Jin and Namjoon were trying to be sneaky while holding hands but they were to obvious. It was cute though. Yoongi and Jimin left to go see their movie before Jin and Namjoon did. Me and Jungkook went to the theatre with the name Iron Man on it.

We walked in and saw not that many people were here to see the movie and they were all at the front seats. We decided to get the back seats which were the best seats to watch a movie with. Me and Jungkook sat down and needed to wait about 20 minutes till the movie started. We sat in akward silence for a while until Jungkook spoke up first.

Jungkook: " hey Tae.."
Me: "yes? what is it?"
Jungkook: " Im so happy you wanted to be my partner today. Though I'm sorry. I kind of forced you to watch this movie with me withought asking what you wanted" he said while pouting.

For some unknown reason, I started thinking about the time I saw him in the shower. This little baby could be sexy if he wanted to but I was still surprised by his duality. I calmed down and responded.

Me: "its fine. I actually wanted to see Iron Man anyway and Im happy when you are happy. ;) I said to him while winking.

I saw his face turn completely red in just a few seconds. I thought his expression was so cute (but little did I know that He would be the one to say that my expressions were cute). *foreshadowing* We sat the rest of the time in silence until the movie started.

~skip till the end of movies: 3pm~

As soon as the movie was over, we left and came in contact with Jimin and Yoongi. Jungkook and Jimin needed to use the bathroom so me and Yoongi waited. Jin and Namjoon were still watching their movie since it started later.

Yoongi: "so did you two enjoy the movie"
Me: "yeah it was very exciting. What about you guys?"
Yoongi: "w..well it w..was so nice. Yeah very interesting.'
Me: "yeah? Tell me hyung what actually happened." I already had a thought.
Yoongi: "argh- that damn mochi is what happened. He started teasing me while we were watching the movie so lets just say.." He sighed and turned red but licked his lips.
Me: "wow. so you and Jimin ACTUALLY did IT here. In the movies."
Yoongi: "he gave me no choice. He was acting really hot but don't worry! there was actually like no one in there."
Me: "whatever! ugh- why are they taking so long"

Me and Yoongi decided to go check on them and what we saw made us shocked and pissed. There were two guys trying to push themselves on the boys. I stepped in and saw Jungkook crying but it wasn't because of the two guys. It was because he beat up a THIRD guy and the guy was out. He was covered in blood. His arm also looked broken so I assumed Jungkook broke his arm. I picked up Jungkook and ran to the car as fast as I could. I was lucky I had the keys so we went in with Jimin and Yoongi following us in. The guys looked around and it seemed like we lost them so we just waited in the car till Jin and Namjoon came out. We explained everything to them on the way home.

As soon as we got home, I picked up Jungkook and took him upstairs. He was still crying but I had to get him cleaned up before we get ready for the party. I hugged him saying it's ok and he was only defending himself and Jimin. I tried to comfort him by telling him what he did was the right thing and that those shitheads deserved it. He was still in shock. I guess he didn't like violence or at least that side to him so he tried to keep it quiet till now. I sighed and went ahead and decided to get him ready myself.


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