Chapter 8: shopping

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Narrator POV.
Taehyung had left in a car with Jin and Jimin. Jungkook had left with Namjoon and Yoongi. It was a Tuesday morning and the sky was clear. Taehyung was still having a hard time processing everything that happened before getting interrupted. Jungkook had confessed his feelings to him for real this time. He never gave Jungkook a response. They were both interrupted by Jin and the rest. They had to go shopping for necessities. Namjoon was taking Jungkook and Yoongi food shopping for the next party. Yoongi, though he wasn't going to the party, went a long anyway because he was bored. Jin was taking Taehyung and Jimin clothes shopping for some nice and decent clothes. When Jungkook and Taehyung both got into the cars, they left to do their own shopping...

Taehyung POV.
I was in the car with Jin driving and Jimin sitting in the back. I looked out the window at the clear blue sky thinking about what Jungkook said to me before we left. I wasn't sure how to respond. I guess I did like him but I had to think about what would happen between us when we go back to working and doing photoshoots. What effects would work have if we started dating. It could turn out bad. I don't want to hurt Jungkook...
I snapped out of my thoughts to the sound of the car parking. We were at a clothing shop. Me, Jin, and Jimin got out of the car and went inside the lovely store.

Jin: "okay! Taehyung! We are getting you some clothes. "

Me: "why? I have decent clothes."

Jimin: "tch- you call a bunch of sweatshirts and pants decent clothes? Almost all your clothes are black or white shirts and pants!"

Jin: "Jimin is right, Taehyung. Those are just normal clothes. You need clothes that will draw people's attention to you. So you can finally get a girlfriend or boyfriend. "

Me: "I don't want any attention though. And I'm already interested in someone so I don't need to wear flashy clothes to get his attention."

Jin and Jimin looked at each other than looked at me. They both had big smiles on their faces and their eyes had widened. They placed their hand on my shoulders.

Jin: "taehyung, I'm so proud of you! Who is this person you like?"

Jimin: "yeah! Tell us!"

Me: "well, I'm not sure if I actually like him yet but the person is... Jungkook"

Jin and Jimin once again looked at each other. They seemed really excited by the fact that my answer was Jungkook. Wait- did they know that Jungkook liked me? They certainly seemed like it. They looked at me and their faces lit up.

Jin: "then we definitely need to find you clothes especially since he is having a small party on Thursday."

Me: "but he told me I don't need to wear anything nice and that it was only going to be me, you, Namjoon, and himself!"

Jin: "I'm inviting others too. I guess Jungkook forgot to mention that to you"

Jimin: " maybe something comfortable but a bit cute and revealing at the same time." Jimin said changing the subject.

Jin: "yes! That's a good idea! Taehyung, you just follow us and we will choose clothes for you!"

Me: -sighs- "fine. But let's make this quick."

Jin and Jimin: "okay!"

We began going around the store looking through different aisles including the girls aisle. They grabbed many kinds of shirts and made me try them on. Some were kind of uncomfortable and others were a bit.. revealing. They picked a bunch of clothes and went to the jewelry section. They made me try on a bunch of clothes and at one point in between, they even made me try on a skirt, which I'm not going to lie, I actually liked it. Of course I grabbed it though because I really liked it and I looked AMAZING in it. I also grabbed some other outfits a long with jewelry. Jin and Jimin then took me to the makeup section to buy some nice makeup like lipstick and eyeshadow. We walked out the store with handful of stuff and it was very tiring to carry. It was about 2pm already and we got in the car and before we left, Jin called Namjoon to see how he was doing...

Namjoon POV.
I drove in silence to a food market with yoongi, who was sleeping, and Jungkook, who was just staring out the window. I wanted to break the silence but I wasn't sure how. If only Jin were here... *sigh* he would know what to say.

I continued driving and got a bit tired so I decided to ask Jungkook something.

Me: "hey Jungkook?"
Jk: "yes hyung?"
Me: "what were you and taehyung talking about before we came? Taehyung looked a bit.. down. And you looked worried."
Jk: "well, I confessed my feelings to him. But I never got an answer from him. "
Me: "was it because we interrupted?" I said feeling a bit guilty.
Jk: "no not really. I think he was just shocked."
Me: "oh ok. Why do you like Taehyung then?"
Jk: "well, he's handsome but he's so kind and I just fell for him I guess."
Me: "Mhmm"was all I could say. I felt like their was more but I didn't ask.

For the rest of the drive it was quiet again. I wasn't sure why yoongi was tired but then again, he's yoongi who wanted to be a rock in his next life. He liked Jimin but wasn't sure if he should say anything to him. Of course I knew and so does Jin. Jimin really likes yoongi and I mean REALLY likes him. But besides the movie incident, they were only friends but with benefits. (They are technically in the same situation that Taekook are in.) This is really hard to deal with anyway. Jin would do so much better than me with everything.

I sighed and then finally made it to the market. I parked and woke yoongi up and told Jungkook to get a cart. Yoongi got out and Jungkook came back with a cart. I grabbed the cart and went in the store and started to look around for the food needed for the small party. Yoongi went and grabbed some chips and hot dog weiners. Jungkook grabbed a whole 10 packs of banana milk. I grabbed some bread and sodas. I also decided to grab some burger patties so we could have burgers and hot dogs. We all grabbed some extra snacks then went to the cashier. We or should I say I bought all of the stuff. We then started loading the car and I got a call.

Jin 🥰
I pick up wanting to know what Jin needed.

Jin: hey joonie. How's it going over there?
Me: oh hey. Yeah. We actually just finished and are gonna head back soon. How about y'all?
Jin: OH MY LORD!!! I just heard the best news before shopping!!! -yells-
Me: oh really? Calm down Jin, then tell me. -chuckles-
Jin: ok ok well, when we were shopping, Taehyhung said -he paused- he said that he likes Jungkook! Ahhhh!!
Me: oh really? That's funny. Jungkook likes Taehyhung.
Jin: I know. Didn't you see it? They obviously liked each other.
Me: so what should we do?
Jin: nothing. Let them try and figure it out. Jungkook already confessed to Tae.
Me: ah yes. Well then.
Jin: well, we are on our way home so we'll see you and the rest over there.
Me: okay. Bye Jinnie.
Jin: -hangs up

Wow, he didn't even say bye to me back. Well, I need to drive everyone back. I look and make sure everyone is in the car and I turn the car on. Yoongi, of course, falls asleep again and Jungkook looks out the window again like last time. I drive everyone back home and we come around the drive way at the same time as Jin and the others.


Word count: 1300

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