All of My Favourites

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I pushed open the frosted door of Sweet Oasis and took in the whirlwind of scents around me. Warm cinnamon bun and the scent of fresh baked goods filled the air. I looked around the cute shop, taking in the pink and blue walls and an assortment of shaped tables on the checker tiled floor. My eyes wandered around the shop until I saw Jaxon sitting in a quiet booth towards the back. I headed over to him, weaving my way between student filled tables. My legs felt like jelly, and I tried not to stumble towards him.

Jaxon looked up and smiled when he saw me coming towards him. He got up as I approached the table and pulled out my chair for me. I tried not to grin. A hottie and a gentleman. That's one deadly combo. I sank into the plushy red seat and he slid back into his seat in front of me.

"Hey Harper! Long time no see!" He chuckled at his joke and I smiled. He had changed into jeans and a purple crew neck sweater. I self consciously rubbed my arm.

"I know right, it's been ages since I've seen you." I winked. He was just about to say something when an older girl came to our table smiling.

"Hi guys! What can I get y'all started to drink?" She asked. Jaxon nodded towards me.

"You go first." He said.

"I'll have a strawberry peach iced tea please." I smiled. I had seen on the stores hanging sign that they had mixed iced tea flavours and had been dying to try them. The waitress wrote down my order, then turned to Jaxon. 

"I'll take a blackberry smoothie made with strawberry yogurt please and thanks." He smiled. She nodded and told us she'd be back with our orders shortly. She left and Jaxon turned his attention back to me. His blue eyes sparkled.

"I so needed this after this week. The first week back is always a swift kick in the butt." He chuckled. I nodded.

"I feel that. It felt like the week dragged on but flew by at the same time. I've had riding and studying to keep myself busy, but classes seem to never end. Especially math." I rolled my eyes. Jaxon chuckled and his eyes brightened.

"Oh jeez, don't even get me started. Math is one of my least favourite courses this year. The only reason I even attend anymore is because I know your going to be there." 

A row of exclamation points rang through my head and I couldn't even attempt to hide the fact I was blushing. I was about to respond when the girl brought our drinks back to us.

"Here you go, and if you want any food feel free to cmon up to the counter." She smiled. We gave our thanks I sipped the delicious drink through a purple swirly straw, and Jaxon drank his smoothie through a blue one.

We chatted and laughed for a bit and I felt myself become more at ease. I couldn't remember the last time I had this much fun with a boy

I sipped through my straw, only to find I had reached the end of my drink. Jaxon too. He stood up from the table, grabbing my glass.

"I'll go get us some refills and I'll grab a couple snacks too while I'm up there." He said.

I opened my purse, fishing out my student card to pay. I handed it to him but he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it Stanford, this one's on me. Besides, I lost the race remember?" He winked. "You can get the next one." And with that, he headed towards the counter, and I couldn't stop smiling. I quickly pulled out my phone and sent a group text to Julia and Violet.

Umm, hello! Jaxon is so adorable!! Talking to him is so fun and he pulled out my chair and offered to pay! And he even said THAT THERE WILL BE A NEXT TIME!!!

I sent the text and received a row of heart emojis and thumbs up from the girls simultaneously. Knowing them, they were probably waiting to corner me for the details as soon as they could. I quickly shoved my phone back in my purse as Jaxon headed back towards our table, a giant tray in his hand. I couldn't help but laugh as he set it down.

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