Finding the Mockingbirds

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I stepped into the library elevator and hit the button for the third floor. Call me lazy, but I physically could not walk up the stairs. I stayed late in the arena last night practising with Casper. Three hours after our lesson had ended, I received a barrage of texts from Violet asking where I was. I had felt guilty. I should've told her before practice that I was staying late, but if she knew how long I had planned on practising she wouldn't have let me.

"Your going to overwork yourself and Casper, Harp." She had worried when I finally stepped into our dorm. I had assured her that I was fine, and after showering and getting dressed her and I spent the night doing homework together. When I had woken up this morning it had felt like I'd been hit by a truck. My muscles were so sore I could barely move!

Thankfully classes went by fast, and Mr. Harris didn't have too difficult of a lesson planned for today. We focused on jumping, which Casper and I could do with our eyes closed. The elevator door slid open and I made my way to the table in the back corner, where Cole was already waiting.

I pulled out a chair and sat down, dropping my bag beside me. Cole looked up at me and smiled. "Wow Harper, don't seem so excited to be here." He joked, closing the book he had been reading.

I rolled my eyes, slumping into my chair. "Don't even get me started." I groaned, rubbing my sore legs. "I stayed late at the arena last night and now my body hates me." I couldn't help but smile as Cole laughed.

"I was wondering why you were lagging in the lesson today. Here I thought you had finally accepted your fate of not being as good as me." Cole smiled, his eyes lighting up. I stuck my tongue out at him and pulled out the binder I used for English. I ran my fingers over the stars I had stuck to the cover to make the boring black pop. I opened the binder and pulled out the list of books we had to choose from.

"I don't know about you, but I've already read most of the books on this list." I said, handing it over to Cole. Cole scanned it quickly and nodded. 

"Same here. The only ones that I haven't read are The Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird." He said, handing the sheet back. I thought for a minute.

"Well I've read The Catcher and the Rye already, so did you want to do To Kill a Mockingbird since we both haven't read it yet?" I asked. Cole smiled.

"I think it's a great idea, especially since we can go into it with an open mind without having read it beforehand. I'm sure we can find two copies around here somewhere among the many floors of dusty literature." Cole grinned, pretending to fan away dust. I giggled and pushed my chair back, him standing with me.

"Well then let's go find us some books." I said. I spun to head towards the elevator when I felt a firm grasp on my wrist. I turned to look and found Cole holding me with a mischievous look in his eye.

"If you want we can make things more... interesting?" He said slyly, gently releasing his grip, but not letting go. I tried not to let my face burn up. And failed. Miserably. I cocked my head.

"How so?" I asked carefully. Cole grinned.

"First person to find the books wins. Whoever loses has to buy lunch Friday from the place of the winners choosing."

I thought for a moment. "Well then, I hope you bring your wallet cause I spy them right over there." I said, nodding in the direction behind him. His face froze.

"No way!" He said and whirled around, releasing me. I laughed as I sprinted away towards the elevator, pressing the buttons to close it. He spun around, realizing he'd been tricked, and laughed as he tried to make the elevator. The doors shut and I quickly pressed the button for the second floor, where the books would most likely be hiding.

The doors slid open and I stepped out onto the mahogany floors, seeing a couple students grouped at different tables chatting quietly. I smiled at them as I walked past, hurrying towards the bookshelves, scanning for the section labelled L for Lee, the authors last name. I had just spotted it when I felt someone run into me, pushing me to the side. I heard Cole's wild laughter as he pushed past me, racing for the shelf.

"Hey!" I shouted, running after him. I had just turned the corner when I saw Cole's victorious smile as he held up two copies of the book, the only two copies left. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"I can't believe you pushed me!"

Cole laughed and tapped my nose with his finger. "That, my dear Harper, is what happened when you try to beat me with the elevator. You forgot that this building has stairs." I was about to  respond when one of the old library ladies walked up to us. She looked mad.

"I think you two need to leave, and are welcome back when you learn that this is a library and not a gym." She grunted, her heavy lavender scent wafting through the air. I tried not to gag as Cole and I muttered our apologies, and headed back up a floor to grab our stuff. It wasn't until we stepped outside that we laughed until our sides hurt. I was wiping tears out of my eyes when we approached the courtyard fountain, and he turned to face me.

"Well, I can't say that was on my agenda for today, but getting kicked out of the library was definitely the highlight of the week." He chuckled, slinging his bag over his shoulder. I smiled and pulled out my phone checking the time. "Well, seeing as how we got no work done, did you want to find a picnic table or something and work on our assignment a bit more?" I asked. Cole smiled.

"I'd like that Harper. As long as tomorrow you pay up." He grinned. I rolled my eyes, and together we walked around the campus looking for an open spot, talking about our lives and the upcoming show. With each step we took, I got more and more comfortable with Cole, and couldn't help but feel very, very happy.

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