The Testing

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Hey Guys! I'm so sorry for the slow update. School and work have been ever so surely killing me. I'm hoping that once Christmas break comes I'll be able to get out a lot more content. As a new writer and someone who is still learning about the equestrian world, feel free to comment any mistakes or ways I could improve my writing. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I took my time walking from the parking lot back to my dorm, taking in the campus once again. I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to it. My old school back at home hadn't even been half the size of Rolling Hills. My eyes swept over the different buildings and shops on the campus. There's the intimidating looking library (which I already know I'm going to spend most of my time studying), a media centre, and even a cute bakery style shop. I squinted to read the menu placed at the front door of the shop. It was written in a scripted font, and in different colours were all the different flavours of ice cream and slushies. Huh, maybe I could stop by later tonight and grab a slushie. Maybe Violet would want to come. I was suddenly clipped on the shoulder by someone passing me and almost fell onto the sidewalk.

"Crap" I said, feeling my face glow red with embarrassment. "I am so sorry!" I whirled around to face the person I had run into and my eyes widened. Oh. My. God. I know I had only spent all of a couple hours on campus, but I'd already managed to embarrass myself in front of one of the cutest boys I'd ever seen. I was never one of those crazy guy obsessed girls, but this one just might make me if this is what the guys looked like here. In front of me stood a boy around my age, about a head taller then I was. His maroon coloured shirt brought out his pale skin and dark curly hair. And his eyes, oh his eyes. The piercing blue colour of them was enough to make me lose my breath. I stood there staring at him, not knowing what to say or do. He cleared his throat.

"Are you alright?" He said in a deep voice. Swoon. He smiled at me, showing off a row of perfect white teeth.

"I am. I'm so sorry for bumping into you like that. I guess I should've been paying attention to where I was going." I laughed. He chuckled and stuck out a hand.

"I'm Jaxon. I haven't seen you around campus yet. I'm assuming you're new?" I smiled and shook his hand. "Guilty." I replied. "If it wasn't obvious enough by my scared expressions and running people off the sidewalk." We both laughed and I noticed he was wearing worn in paddock boots.

"Are you a rider?" I asked, nodding towards his boots. He stuck his hands in his pockets and nodded. "Yep, I'm on the intermediate team here. I made the team last year when I tried out." He looked at me. "Are you a rider too?" I smiled and nodded. "I was actually just coming from visiting my horse at the stable with my parents before they left. I was on my way back to the dorm to meet my roommate and get my stuff ready for my testing tomorrow morning. The instructor wants to see where I'd best fit in." He nodded. "That makes sense. Mr. Harris tests all the newbies. As long as you remember the basics like heels down and toes up you'll be just fine." He flashed another smile. "And hey, if you get placed on the intermediate team, maybe you'll get the honour of riding with me!" I laughed at the goofy expression on his face

"The honour, eh? Guess we'll just have to wait and see." I looked down at my boots. "I better get back to my dorm. I'm hoping to get settled in before it gets too late." He nodded and grinned. "Understandable. Good luck tomorrow! Hopefully I'll be seeing you around the stable soon." I smiled at him and turned to leave. "That'd be great! Have a good night." I started to walk away but I heard him yell after me. "Hey! You never gave me a name!"

"It's Harper." I yelled back, looking over my shoulder. "Well good bye Harper! See you eventually!" He laughed. I shook my head laughing and started walking back towards my room. I couldn't believe it. Not only did I manage to make a new ally, But it was a totally hot guy too. The old Harper would've made a mess of things, but the new Rolling Hills Harper didn't shy away from boys. Nor was she going to back down at riding. Tomorrow my riding was going to be on point. I had a new goal in mind now; make the intermediate team.

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