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"There is a city near Tanayphia Castle, where there is apparently a mysterious weather phenomenon. We were never told the details of it, but we heavily suspect unnatural causes. We need you to go there and investigate thoroughly. Our informant, along with the two beings she identified, live in that area. We do not know any of them personally, you will have to find the informant yourself.

There is also a strange school in the city, where the weather phenomenon does not affect. There is likely some object or being protecting the school. That is where you should start looking for the two names. You will especially investigate that school, and everyone in it. Find their protection as quickly as possible.

There is a high chance you will encounter the cause of the weather phenomenon. So, we will remove any dangerous knowledge from your memory. If you need it, it can be returned to you only in an absolute emergency.

Take Akhurath with you, and charge the keys each time you return to Tanayphia. We are leaving it up to you to pick the right keys to use. If you are wrong, you endanger us all.

The moment you leave these walls, you are as vulnerable as a human. To anyone, from either world, you become a target if you are found out.

Trust no-one. Not even your closest friends."

Book 1: The Chaos KeysWhere stories live. Discover now