Chapter Fifteen: Aspen🌱

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There was a long and resounding silence. No-one could find a single word to say.

Aspen however, had that covered.

"Let's stop pretending here." She said bluntly, looping her green hair around her finger. Her pointed statement was more directed at Drake than anyone else.

The teacher looked at her out of the corner of his eye, taking an extra long drink from his flask. As she looked around the room, every single person looked uncomfortable. Aspen was well aware that it was because every single person in that room had something to hide.

"You." Said Aspen, pointing her finger at Lilith. Her voice was cold and accusatory. "Who are you?"

Lilith toyed with the blue gemstone on her ring, looking back at Aspen with empty eyes. She didn't say a word, nor did she make any motion to sign or write.

"Aspen.." Alexis began, in her frustratingly calming voice.

Aspen shot her a glare worthy of applause. It was so fiercely intimidating that even Alexis looked taken aback.

"Fine. You know each other. How?" Aspen asked Drake sharply, shooting him a similar glare. She was referencing Ash's earlier comment.

He frowned lightly, slowly screwing the cover back onto his flask. He was clearly stalling. Actually, it soon became apparent that he also had no intention of answering the question.

Aspen exhaled sharply in exasperation, and looked at the only person she expected to answer anything from her. Ethan was looking into his pendant, obviously upset. But, he wasn't completely detatched from what was happening.

He seemed to feel her burning gaze, and looked up.

"What was so special about your book?"

Ethan fidgeted with his pendant in a similar way to how Lilith was toying with her ring. But, he actually answered her. Albeit, it was so quiet that she could not even hear it.


"It's magic!" He blurted loudly.

Drake instantly stood to his feet and went to the door, much quicker than his typical, weary walk. He locked the door, and walked back to his seat with complete nonchalance, as if the action hadn't been strange. Aspen immediately stared at him with aggressive suspicion, but his silent gaze offered no information.

"I know it sounds stupid I just-" Ethan started, looking at Aspen anxiously.

"I believe you." She interrupted him.

"You- Do?"

"We're in a class called Magic Theory. Why wouldn't I?" Aspen said drily, rolling her eyes. "Even if it is a therapy class." She added. She didn't want anyone getting the misconception that she liked this class.

"Well I guess if you-"

Aspen sighed loudly, which stopped him from answering her rhetorical question. "Sarcasm, Ethan."

He gave her a halfhearted, sheepish smile, that only lasted for a moment. His missing book seemed to have really rattled him. Interesting that he'd have such an attachment to something he'd only found a day ago.

"I believe you too." Melody's voice chimed. She was looking at Ethan with gentle sympathy.

Alexis looked uncertain, oddly enough. Aspen would've thought she'd be the first to jump in and defend Ethan. She narrowed her eyes.

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