Chapter Seven: Lilith🌊

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The world was fuzzy, seeming to swirl around a little. She felt dizzy, and her head was pounding. Her body felt heavy, like something weighing on her limbs. She felt herself falling again, but this time, someone steadied her.

When she looked next to her, Alexis was holding her, frowning softly.

"Careful, princess." She said quietly. Noticeably, Alexis did not let her go.

Lilith compliantly leaned on Alexis' shoulder, closing her eyes to tune out the headache. She heard the voice of the girl with the green hair. It seemed to swim in and out, but she could understand it. 

"You faint like that often?"

Lilith scrunched her nose a bit, trying to remember. Her mind felt just as confusing as the world around her. She could recall very little of anything before today.

"I don't know" She finally signed. At least she tried to. Her hands felt strange, like they didn't remember the sign language.

"Translate." The green haired girl demanded, most likely to Alexis.

"I can't." Alexis said, sounding disturbed.

"You can't?" Lilith asked, opening her eyes and sitting up.

As she expected, Alexis did not hear her. She looked at Melody, who was staring at her.

"Can you hear me?"

The resounding silence made her slowly lower her gaze.

"I can." Melody interrupted the silence in the room.

"You can what?" Asked Alexis.

Melody looked at Lilith, silently asking permission. She uncomfortably shifted, unsure as to if she should give it. She felt so hazy that it felt wrong to make decisions.

However, she did not need to answer. At that moment, the door swung open. Ethan ran in, looking worried, yet simultaneously bursting to tell her something. However, the moment his eyes met hers, he seemed to calm down.

Behind Ethan was Drake, who closed the door the moment he stepped through it. He was frowning, but when he looked up at them he seemed to lighten up a bit.

"I bet you know exactly what happened, don't you?" The green haired girl immediately demanded, standing to her feet. She was glaring at Drake. Evidently, she was more upset by the situation then it had seemed. "Did you even bother to call anyone? Didn't you learn anything from last-"

"Aspen, calm down please." Melody's soft voice echoed, cutting her off and ringing through the room.

There was some unspoken occurance weighing heavily upon everyone in the room. The air was thick with tension, as the end of Aspen's sentence was last unspoken. The "last time" seemed to be something constantly referenced in this class.

The girl, who was apparently Aspen, shot a glare to Melody. However, she slowly sat down again, on the floor where she had been before. She seemed to be simmering in her anger.

"Are you okay Lilith? What happened to you?" Ethan asked, sitting on the floor in front of her. He was staring intently, seeing to forget she couldn't verbally answer him.

She found herself unsure as to how to speak to him for a moment. He looked around the room and grabbed her book from her chair, handing it to her. He looked at her intently, waiting impatiently for her to write.

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