Chapter Nine: Lilith🌊

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Lilith silently made her way home as the sun slipped from the sky. She was well out of the town now, the sound of her footsteps shifting from hitting the brick road to crunching on the grass. She looked even more weary now she had journeyed so long, and her graceful steps slipped into barely putting one foot in front of the other.

She stared ahead at the nearest building in the distance, that was still painfully far. It would be perhaps another hour of walking to reach the large stone gates that towered ahead. Even more if she continued at this pace.

Her weary steps gradually slowed more and more until they came to a standstill. She sank into the grass in front of a tree, and exhaled softly, looking around the vast field. It was scattered here and there with trees, and was noticeably warmer than the town. There was a noticeable chill, of course as it was winter, but it was not the unnatural freeze that blanketed Dragonfall City.

There was a rustling in her bag as Aku took the halt as an invitation to come out. He looked around with curiousity, before scurrying onto her shoulder, clicking into her ear. She pulled out her phone and texted someone quickly. They repsonded with unnatural speed, almost the moment the message left her phone. It was a bit unnerving.

L: Will be late, sorry

O: Just be here before 12. Tinayphia is dangerous after that.

L: I will

She pet Aku's head gently, leaning on the tree tiredly. She had only stopped for a quick rest. However, before she knew what was happening, she slipped into an exhausted slumber.


Lilith was pulled into reality by the dull thudding of hoofbeats, hitting the grass. As she slowly opened her eyes, she saw a black horse barreling towards her at top speed.

She grabbed her backpack and scrambled out of the way, just as the horse nearly trampled her. Her heart thudded violently against her chest as the rider tugged on the reins, pulling the horse to a stop.

"What are you still doing out here? You'll get yourself killed." The low male voice said, as the figure turned towards her.

She was met with an intense pair of pooling midnight eyes, and a steady frown. The familiar figure reached out his hand, waiting rather impatiently for her to grasp it. When she did, he pulled her onto the horse behind him, and nudged it sharply with his heel.

The horse took off once more, this time in the direction of the castle.

"Your energy's drained. Why?" He asked, his tone dripping with irritation.

Lilith shifted uncomfortably, which almost caused her to plummet from the saddle. The speed at which they were going was certainly unsafe. The male scoffed softly, seeming to remember that she could not verbally answer him.

He tightened one hand on the reigns, and held the other out to her, which she hesitantly took. She felt the unnatural exhaustion slowly drain away, though not with the same suddenness that it had when Melody had seemed to do something similar earlier. It did not leave behind the uncomfortable tingle, but it did once more give her emotions that did not feel like hers. Deep rooted anger and stifled concern, maybe even the slightest twinge of fear.

The boy exhaled softly, seeming to calm down. When he spoke again, his voice was not as angry. However, he was still blunt, getting straight to the point.

"One tap if I'm right, two if I'm wrong. A student at that school drained your energy."

Lilith hesitated, before tapping his hand twice.

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