Chapter Five: Melody🎶

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The auras about each person in the classroom ebbed and flowed, some mingling with all, others withdrawn from everyone else's. The various blues of Lilith's aura was vastly different from everyone else's. Hers was like a free spirit, gently flowing around the room whole dodging the various conflicting colours of her classmates. The emotions within the quiet space rested heavy on each person, though Lilith did not seem to have that problem.

Ethan's face slowly fell, as he sat there looking at nothing. Melody knew he was still trying to process what everyone else had known about this class, but none dared say. It had quickly become silent agreement between them that Ethan wasn't to know the true reason for this class.

Evidently, Aspen had missed the memo.

Though it was so strange that she would pick now to bring it up. Aspen clearly did not want to be here, yes, but she had to have some reason for suddenly being so spiteful. Aspen always had a reason for what she did.

Melody watched as Alexis' blunt glare shifted to restrained anger, then deep sympathy and guilt as they looked at Ethan. She could feel Ethan's emotions just as restrained as Alexi's. Hurt and confusion, a sharp sense of betrayal that was quickly buried, which was followed by a little prick of guilt.

Even Drake, as calm as he seemed, was watching Ethan with silent guilt. But Aspen? All Aspen cared about was why Lilith was in the 'therapy class'. No-one got put into it on their first day, unless their past records were phenomenal. But, even then, not every strange or mentally disturbed person went to this class. It just seemed those that saw specific things, did specific things, or spoke up about specific things, that ended in the brainwashing class.

If Drake had not fought for the head position of this class, it would have been more odd teachers, smiling their empty smiles and demonstrating how to meditate. As if deep breathing and odd poses would 'fix' the hallucinations. Melody knew, though. She knew that she wasn't making it up, even if others didn't see it. But, they seemed just as blind and deaf to her, as they were to the reality only she seemed able to see.

"Do you think vampires exist?" Drake was asking. Everyone seemed to have settled themselves somewhat, though Aspen was staring at Lilith, Alexis looked a beyond annoyed, and Ethan wasn't half as talkative as usual.

"Melody?" He asked, looking at her.

They don't.

"They don't." She echoed, voicing the soft words that seemed spoken straight to her mind. When she looked around, sure enough she saw him again.

He was sitting on the back of Lilith's chair, watching Drake quietly. He offered Melody a wink, brushing his grey hair from his horribly pale skin. His dark grey eyes seemed to light up briefly when he looked at her. His grey aura was also vastly different from the others.

It was faded and foggy, blanketing him and causing him to look much more unreal compared to everyone else. His aura was the only one that had any contact with Lilith's, seeming to float around it, almost looking like it was trying to cover her and her aura, the same way it covered him.

She narrowed her eyes a little. He'd been tailing Lilith all day, and Lilith seemed blissfully unaware. She knew there was certainly something very strange about that girl, but why would he be stalking her that way?

"Oh? Care to share why?" Drake asked, looking intruiged. He was truly just relieved. She assumed it was because she did not seem as disrupted as everyone else. She could feel Lilith's curiosity and interest suddenly spike.

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