Chapter Twelve: Melody🎶

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Melody hummed softly as she walked down the corridor. It was relaxingly empty, no bright auras or overwhelming emotions around to overwork her consciousness. She did not approve of many of the school's "accommodations" for her. Still, the mandated free period was something she could thoroughly appreciate.

She paused her walk as she reached the door of her Magic Theory class, frowning softly as the memories from the day before flickered through her mind. She looked around the empty space and placed her hand on the door to push it open.

She felt a sudden, unmistakable presence appear behind her, the gentle blue aura washing over her. She glanced behind her, and sure enough, Lilith was staring at her. Her steady blue eyes always looked like they were searching for answers. None that she'd be able to gain from Melody.

Melody could feel that something was deeply bothering Lilith, but what it was, she quickly deemed none of her business. Perhaps it was the same reason she was not currently in her ASL class.

"Are you allowed in there?" Lilith finally asked, hugging her book to her chest protectively.

"Drake never said we weren't." Melody reasoned.

Her eyes locked with Lilith's for a moment. She could tell that they both wanted to check the room for something. However, Lilith wasn't prepared to admit that to Melody for whatever reason.

They both stood in silence before Melody turned away. She quickly turned the handle, pushing open the door and slipping inside. Lilith followed without hesitance, closing the door behind her.

The previously broken fairy lights had been replaced, emanating the twinkling light as if nothing had happened. The broken glass was gone, and the chairs were nearly rearranged the way they had been at the beginning of class. However, she could feel a little spark of heat coming from the lights that wasn't there before. They seemed to have a remnant of an aura rubbed onto them. Not just any aura either, the blazing aura that had taken over Lilith's the day before.

Lilith stepped forward cautiously, approaching the lights slowly. Melody could not tell if she sensed the sparking aura that lingered there, but she didn't seem to. Lilith knelt by the spot and moved the lights, shivering a little as her hand brushed the wall. She looked at Melody, her brows furrowing slightly.

"Burn marks." Her soft voice echoed. She seemed to partially recognise them, but a misty confusion disguised the recognition, which deeply interested Melody.

Lilith hesitated, running her hand along the wall. They scorched a few places on the painted wall, disguised mainly by the pattern. The burn marks were all near the lights and ran along the wall for a solid 10 or 11 inches. The lingering aura seemed to lay within the burn marks as if it was painted with them.

Melody nodded slowly, about to step forward to examine it a little closer. However, the loud chime of the bell interrupted her.

"We need to go," Melody said quickly, cracking open the door.

The peaceful release from the overwhelming auras and emotions fled the moment she opened the door. She flinched a bit at the somewhat painful sensations and began humming softly to herself to muffle the feeling.

Lilith looked at her a bit strangely when she began to hum, and stood to her feet. She looked confused, but Melody did not try to explain. It would probably confuse her more. What caught her attention was the fact that Lilith had the same feeling of misty confusion again. As if she seemed to know something in the back of her mind, but she couldn't quite grasp it.

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