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"The new girl is weird," I heard Parker said before I rounded the corner. "She listens to true crime podcasts to go to sleep. Like we don't get enough crime already."

"This coming from the kid who has a replica Death Star in his quarters." I said, announcing my presence in the room, currently occupied by Tony, Parker, and Bruce. "Besides, I'm not new. I've been here just as long as you have."

"You're not that much older than me, why do you call me a kid?"

"Because I can legally drink and you can't." I said, grabbing an apple from the bowl on the table and walking away. I was supposed to be meeting Natasha in the training room 30 minutes ago but I got a little sidetracked on my way down there, so she's going to be extra tough on me today and I'll need the snack for energy.

"Eliades, what took you so long?" Nat called from the middle of the boxing ring.

"I got distracted." I shrugged, before hopping into the ring.

"Who was it this time? Bucky or Thor?" She smirked and I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, thank god for being half black, at least I could hide my blushing.

"Cap." I admitted, there is little you could hide from Natasha, so there really was no use trying. "But in my defense, he is a very intimidatingly hot man and I am nearly a 24 year old untouched hormonal woman."

"Well I would say that Cap was an untouched 100 and something year old man, but I'd be lying." I looked up at her and tried to read her face.

"What do you- Nat?" I said, trying to put words in the blanks that she left. "Did you- Nat did you hole punch Steve's V-card?"

"Three years on the run with someone is a very long time."

"Wasn't Sam with y'all?" I asked, sitting down on the ground to stretch my legs.

"Have you ever been to Paris, Haley?"

"Of course I've been to Paris, we went toga-oh. OH. OH!" I said, my eyes widening at the realization of what she was saying.

"Time on the run wasn't all that bad." She smirked. "Are you ready?"

"No." I sighed standing up, "but hit me with you best shot."

"This may hurt a little," Nat smirked. "Or a lot."

She closed her eyes and her shoulder relaxed, like she was concentrating on something.

I walked over to her and touched her shoulder, instantly absorbing the pain from the memory she was experiencing.

"Nat-" I gasped, feeling like my lungs were going to collapse. I felt scared but also brave at the same time. My legs felt like they would fall from under me at any moment and I wasn't even sure if my arms were still attached. I was cold, everything was dark.

"It's okay, you can do this." She said in a soothing voice. Defensive training, my least favorite of all the training. I still haven't gotten the hang of the empathic ability I got when I came back after five years, and it could possibly be detrimental in a fight if I don't get it under control.

"Natasha I can't...it feels like I'm dying" I said, trying to push the feeling out of my system.

"That's usually what happens when you sacrifice yourself for a soul stone."

"Nat. I'm sorry...I didn't mean-"

"It's okay, I'm back now. Just push the pain out, you've got this."

"I can't Nat...I can't br-breathe." I said, my lungs getting tighter.

I fell to the ground in the training room, letting go of Natasha and grasping at my chest, like it would in anyway help me breathe.

Natasha started to say something but I was too dizzy to understand anything that she was saying. Not long after I felt two arms sitting me up  and someone sitting behind me, wrapping tightly around me.

"It's going to be okay, you're okay." I reached up and gripped into the person behind me's arm, feeling the coolness of metal and relaxing just a tad bit.

"Buck, it felt like I was going to turn to dust again. I don't want to feel like that ever again. I don't want to disappear again." At this point I was clutching onto his metal arm for dear life.

"That's not going to happen again, I swear to you." He said, using his nonmetal arm to rub circles on my hand. "Repeat after me: My name is Haley Kailani Eliades."

"My name is Haley Kailani Eliades."

"Five years ago I turned to dust."

"Five...five years ago I turned to dust." I took a deep breath. "Bucky it's not-"

"Be quiet and just let me finish." I nodded and tried to calm my heart rate. "Thanos is dead, the stones are gone."

"Th-Thanos is dead, the stones are gone."

"The world will be okay again. I will be okay again."

"The world will be okay again. I will be okay again." I took one final deep breath and relaxed against Bucky's chest, releasing the right grip that I had on his arm and taking multiple deep breaths.

"Hey, it wasn't as bad as last time." Natasha said, smirking. "At least you didn't pass out."

"Is everything alright down here?" Peter asked, waking into the training room with a wary look on his face.

"We're just training, why?" I asked, still very much in Bucky's lap.

"Well one minute I was having a conversation with Mr. Barton about archery and the next he was like freaking out and acting like he was in pain and then he started to hyperventilate."

I turned my head to look up at Bucky who was looking at Natasha with an unreadable look on his face.

"That's a new one," she grinned. "Next time we'll work on projecting onto someone else, see if you can do it on purpose instead of on accident."

"Is Barton okay now kid?" I asked, feeling guilty for making him feel like I just did.

"He's fine." Peter said sitting down on the floor. "And you know I was thinking-"

"That's never good," Bucky muttered under his breath, causing me to chuckle.

"I got blipped so technically I should be 23, which makes up the same age. So you can't really call me kid."

"I blipped too Parker. That makes me almost 29 by your logic, which means that you, are still the kid."

"I also blipped and I'm 106 so I think that both of you are, technically, the kids."

"Aunty Nat, this old man is touching me on my leg close to my no no square." I whined, raising my voice a few octaves to sound like a kid. "Kick his ass for me."

"Language." Steven boomed from the back of the training room, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

"Why do you always tense up when Steve walks in the room?" Bucky whispered in my ear.

"I could ask you the same thing?" I smirked, turning my head to look at him in the face. "It's a new world now Buck, you should go for it."

"I will when you do."

"Well we can't both go for him,"I pointed out.

"Well it's like you said Haley," he smirked getting super close to my face. "It's a new world now."

Hi, yeah, welcome to this 💩 show that is my imagination. Enjoy

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