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"How was your day beautiful?" Bucky asked, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist after I stepped out of the bathroom.

"It's was pretty uneventful, Morgan asked me if I could come talk to the kids at her school and tell them that mermaids are real because they don't believe her."

"Well, you better go show those five year olds who's boss." He said, kissing the top of my head. "Have I ever told you how much I love the smell of green apples?"

"Only every time that I use this shampoo." I chuckled.

"I know, but it just smells so much better today. I don't know what it is."

"Mhm." I said, turning around and raising my eyebrows at him. "Have you finished cooking?"

"It's in the oven." With his hands still on my waist he pulled my flush against his chest. "What time is Steve going to be here?"

I looked down at my watch, "Like five minutes."

"Gives me four minutes and 55 seconds to do this," and he bent down, placing his lips softly against mine. My arms went around his neck, my fingers lightly tangling into the hair at the nape of his neck.

The door bell rang before FRIDAY came over the home system saying Steve was at the door.

"The captain," I sighed. "Punctual as always."


"That was really good Buck," Steve said wiping his mouth with a napkin.

Bucky smiled at the Steve and then glanced over at me, making eye contact. He raised his eyebrows and I nodded.

"Well, for the low low price of dating us you could have meals like that every night." I said cutting to the point.

"I'm sorry? For a second it sounded like you were asking me to date-"

"Both of us? Yes." Bucky added.

"Like, at the same time?" He stammered.

"Yes that is generally how that would work." I said standing up from my seat and going to stand beside Bucky.

"Isn't polygamy illegal?"

"Yes, Mr. War Criminal. But there's a difference between polygamy and polyamory." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"What's the difference?"

"Polygamy is one man with multiple wives. This is collectively all three of us dating each other."

"Like a Harem?"

"No." Bucky said, sighing.

"Look, take your time, look into it." I said reaching over and grabbing his hand comfortingly. "Think about it and then come talk to us."

"But don't take too long," Bucky added. "I can't get laid until you make a decision."

I rolled my eyes and smacked him in the chest. "It's going to be even longer for that comment."

"If it helps sway your answer in anyway, before the blip I had been in love you for like two years." I shrugged before opening up the refrigerator and grabbing a wine cooler.

"And I've been in love with you since 1937, so do with what you will with that information." Bucky added, grabbing the beer I had stretched out to him.

"Beer Steve?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Suit yourself." I shrugged.

"Miss Eliades, there's a call from Wakanda for you." FRIDAY said over the intercom.

"Who's calling you from Wakanda?" Bucky asked, eyebrows raised.

"You two talk, I gotta go take this." I said backing out of the kitchen and down the office, closing the door before answering the hologram.

"Hey Shuri, did you get the blueprints and notes I sent you?"

"What did the broken white boy do with his arm this time?" She joked, looking down at the blueprints I had sent over to her to see if she could do anything with them.

"He's too proud to admit it, but he's embarrassed of the metal arm, of what it used to mean." I said, taking off my sweater before crossing my arms across my chest.

"Did you finally tell him how you feel?" She asked and I bit my lip, nodding.

"And what of the Captain?"

"That's a long story that needs to be told in person."

"Then, I think you are well overdue for a visit, huh?" She giggled.

My shoulders tensed at the thought of going back to Wakanda.

"I don't know....I haven't, I mean the last time-"

"No, I get it. I will just have to make a trip to America then, hand deliver White Wolf's new arm." I chuckled

"Hand deliver the arm aye?"

"Do you want me to make it or not?"

"Yes please." I said clapping my hands together and begging.

"Give me a week. Tell Stark I expect a huge party in my honor."

"Anything for the Princess," I winked.

"I hate you,"

"You love me." And she hung up.

I grabbed my sweater off the desk and walked out of the office, back into the main living area. Bucky was sitting on the couch, nursing his bottle, Steve nowhere in sight.

"He left?" I asked, dropping my sweater on the floor.

"Said he wanted to do some research, some soul searching." He shook his head before taking another swing. "I think we scared him off."

I walked over and sat beside him on the couch, putting my legs in his lap.

"He'll come around," I said, tracing the neck line of his shirt.

"And what if he doesn't?"

I smirked and gripped his shirt, pulling him towards me, "then we'll just have to convince him."

I closed the gap between us and kissed him.

After a few minutes he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"Steve doesn't know what he's missing,"

"Ditto." I said breathless.


"Anthony, just the person I wanted to see!" I exclaimed.

"Haley, I'm trying to enjoy my lunch, what are you bothering me with this time?"

"A party, on Saturday."

"I'm listening." I glanced over his shoulder and noticed Bucky walking in.

"Shuri and a few other Wakandans are coming to hand deliver the thing I've been working on-"

"Hand deliver? Funny."

"I don't get it." Bucky said confused by Tony and I laughing.

"Anyway, party?"

"I will throw a little something together

"Yay thank you so-"

"But, you're going to owe me."

"What do you want this time?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Morgan wants to have a slumber party and I'm very against having multiple five year olds in my house."

"I think that's something I can swing," I sighed.

"Then consider the party on."

Ooohh there's a party on the horizon....5 votes and two comments for the next chapter 😇

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