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"Not without me you're not."

I looked up and saw Steve walking towards the both of us, an unreadable expression on his face.

"I love you," he said grabbing my hand in one hand and squeezing Bucky's shoulder in the other. "Both of you."

"Birdbrain, you owe me $50." Tony yelled; however, I was too distracted by Steve's lips on mine to really pay attention to which 'birdbrain' he was referring to.

"I thought we were having a wedding, can we get on with it? It is a very long trip back to Wakanda and I've have important things to do tomorrow." Shuri said, ushering us along as she always does when she's around.

"No one is ordained." Bucky said, looking around at the room.

"As Princess of Wakanda, I am allowed to perform wedding ceremonies," she smiled. "But you are not Wakandan so it may not be very legal."

"I don't think anything about three people getting married to each other is legal," Rhodey pipped in.

"Very well then," Shuri clapped. "Give me ten minutes to throw something together."

I smiled at her and then turned and smiled wilder and Bucky and Steve.

In the ten minutes it took for Shuri to prepare whatever it was that she had to prepare, Nat, Pepper, and Wanda had whisked me away to change into a dress that the boys hadn't seen yet, still wanting to keep traditions even though none of this was traditional in any sense.

"This one should work." Wanda said, pulling a white dress out of her closet. It was slightly longer than my knees and had a sweetheart neckline with 3/4 sleeves. It was simple but perfect. I took it from her and noticed that it still had the tags on it. I wondered what she may have bought it for but then decided it was probably best not to ask her.

"Something new." Pepper said as she helped me slip on the dress. Even before the blip, she was like a second mother to me so her helping me get ready for my wedding had me (and her) on the brink of tears.

"Something borrowed," Nat said, kicking off her silver heels and trading shoes with me.

"Something old," Wanda said smirking, "both of your fiancés."

All of us had to burst out laughing.

"And something blue," Pepper said before wrapping a blue ribbon around the end up my hair. "Okay, let's go get you married."

"Wait Nat," I said grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to me. "I- I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle, my dad's somewhere in the middle of the ocean. And I don't even know which ocean."

"If I may," Tony said knocking on the door and making his presence known. "If you'll have me, I'd be honored to walk you, kiddo."

I ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug. In all my life, Tony had been the only father figure I'd known, I just didn't know he felt the same way.

"Yes please Tone."

"Let's go then." He said pulling away from the hug and holding out his left arm.

I looped my arm around his and we walked back out into the common space.

I had to pause for a second when I saw everything, because it had been completely transformed and it no longer had the previous party decorations but had mood lights hanging from the ceiling and flower petals scattered down the middle of the guests, creating an aisle.

"How did you do all of this in ten minutes."

"That's a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist secret that I'll never tell." He laughed as music started to play.

"Is this dumb?" I whispered to him as we started to walked toward the front of the room.

"If it were anyone else, I would said yes. But after everything the lot of us have been through, this is the most normal thing."

"Right," I said exhaling.

"And listen, I bought Pepper an island a few years ago, beautiful house. Very private." He said, raising his eyebrows. "My wedding gift to you is my private jet and my island for two weeks."

"Tony, that's too much."

"Just make sure you come back with super soldiers quarter god grand babies for me."

I blushed at his comment. "I'll see what I can do."

"And you still owe Morgan that slumber party, as soon as you get back."

"Of course."

We reached the end of the aisle and Tony kissed my forehead before he went to sit beside Morgan and Pepper.

"You look beautiful." Bucky and Steve said at the same time, causing me to chuckle slightly.

"Leave it to my good friend Haley to turn a party meant for someone else into her wedding, it's a very Leo thing to do." Shuri said once everyone took a seat.

"In Wakanda, we see unions of more than two people all the time. These unions are the most special, the most beautiful in my opinion. When your soul connects with one person it is the most powerful thing on earth, and if you are so lucky to connect with another afterwards, then you are what we consider the gods favorite."

"What these three, and what everyone else in this room has been through lately, well it's enough to drive anyone to the brink of insanity and back. The fact that they were able to come back, just as, if not more in love with each other despite all of the hardships. If that is not an example of a love written into the universe millions of years ago, then I don't know what is."

I had been crying since she started speaking, and honestly I don't think I'll ever stop.

"That being said, is there anyone in the room that wishes to speak against the universe in the union of these three souls?"

Everyone either stood still or shook their heads no.

"Very well. White wolf, do you promise to love and protect Steve and Haley to the best of your ability, both physically and spiritually, as long as you should have breath in your lungs?"

"Yes," he smiled, tears bring his eyes. "I do."

"Captain, do you promise to love and protect Bucky and Haley to the best of your ability, both physically and spiritually, as long as you should have breath in your lungs?"

"Without a doubt in my mind, I do." He said, before wiping the tears of my face. I let out a laugh between sobs.

"Haley Kailani, do you promise to love and protect Steve and Bucky to the best of your ability, both physically and spiritually, as long as you should have breath in your lungs?"

"I'd be stupid not to." I laughed. "Yes, I do. 1000%."

"Alright then, then I happy to announce that the three of you just got hitched. You can kiss or whatever."

Steve was the first to turn towards me and kiss me. He grabbed my waist and pulled my closer to him, squeezing me tightly. I felt a third arm around my waist and I was pulled away from Steve and towards Bucky.

With the force that he pulled me, it caused me to stumble lightly. But being as quick as he is, he caught me and decide to dip kiss me instead, causing the crowd to holler.

I came back up laughing, before looking between both of my boys, waiting for them to kiss. And once they did, it caused my entire body to light of fire, figuratively of course.

"Holy shit, I just got married." I said, looking at Sam who was standing beside me.

"And to two halves of a whole idiot at that," he said clapping my shoulder. "I wish you the best of luck with that."

"Thanks," I chuckled. "I'm going to need it."


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