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"Buck, it's been a week. He's not going to come around." I said, walking out of the bathroom trying to put my hoop earrings in.

"Trust me, he's going to come around. Just give him a little more time." He said, not even looking towards me because he was focused on tying his tie.

"I'm telling you, it's not worth it. I'm tired of getting my hopes up," I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed so I could put my shoes on easier.

"Would you just have a little fai-" he turned around and his jaw dropped. I couldn't help but smirk a little at his reaction to the dress I was wearing.

"You need to change, you need to change right now." He demanded, pointing towards my closet. I looked down at my dress and chuckled. It didn't leave very much to the imagination. It hugged the right places and was loose where I needed it to be. Honestly, it made it look like I was about 20 pounds lighter than I actually am. Not that I'm overweight or anything, but you could definitely tell I was not one to skip a meal. Thighs, hips, ass, boobs, and a little chub around the stomach, stretch marks, cellulite, the works. All the more to love.

"What's wrong with it Buck?" I asked, my voice sickly sweet. "I think it looks nice."

"It looks very nice, too nice. There's going to be wondering hands and eyes all over the place."

"And the problem with that would be?" I asked, standing and walking over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hands instantly went to my ass, pulling me closer to him.

"Well, I'm a very possessive man. I wouldn't like it very much if someone else was touching my best girl, thinking inappropriate thoughts about them."

"Let them think what they want to think. At the end of the night there's only a certain person, maybe two, that I would let take the dress off of me." I said, stroking his cheek with my thumb, watching his eyes turn dark from lust.

"We could just skip to the end of the night right now." He, almost, growled.

"Now what kind of host would I be if the guests I invited, who traveled all the way from Wakanda, didn't even get a hello from me?"

"I guess you do have a point there." He sighed, "How about we stay for an hour and then ditch?"

"If you behave, then maybe." I said grabbing his hand off of my ass and turning to walk out of the room, leaving him there alone.

"Alright Parker, I'm three drinks in which gives you a chance to actually win in out rematch."

"Thanks, but I could have done it regardless."

"We'll see about that kid, pick a category."

"Friday, Karaoke Roulette, category Pop."

"Everyone remembers the rules. Word for word, no mumbling. If you get a word wrong, you are out. Five extra points for a standing O, 7 extra points if the crowd gets bigger, 10 extra points for everyone you make cry, sad or happy tears."

There was a little crowd, and by little I mean Nat, Thor, Bucky, Ned and MJ.

"You're going down Parker."

"Ladies first," he said taking a step back and letting the first song start.

The music started and I smirked. I've totally go this game in the bag.

"I fell by the wayside, like everyone else
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you
But I was just kidding myself
Our every moment, I start to replace
'Cause now that they're gone
All I hear are the words that I needed to say
When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold
Well, time can heal but this won't
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go
Was never the right time, whenever you called
Went little, by little, by little until there was nothing at all
Our every moment, I start to replay
But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face
When you hurt under the surface
Like troubled water running cold
Well, time can heal but this won't
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go
Would we be better off by now
If I'd let my walls come down?
Maybe I guess we'll never know
You know, you know
Before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make your heart beat better?
If only I'd have known you had a storm to weather
So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make it all stop hurting?
It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless
So, before you go"

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