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Waking up in Bucky's arms was a feeling I wasn't stranger to, having similar nightmares and experiences about the blip we figured we could help each other out, finding that having a warm body pressed against you helps alleviate the anxiety of waking up all alone.

However this morning, waking up beside him felt different, a good different.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning, old man."

"What's on the docket for today?"

"Hmm...staying in bed all day." I said wistfully.

"As good as that sounds," he said moving closer and giving me a quick kiss. "We've both a lot of things to do today."

"Fine. Training with Natasha and the kid, working with Tony in the lab, working out with Wanda and Steve, and then giving Morgan swimming lessons."

"Don't forget talking to Tony and Bruce about changing your medication," Bucky added.

"Oh. That." I sighed.

"Yeah, that." He chuckled. "So you're free for dinner then?"

"Always am, my montra is 'No matter how clustered the schedule-"

"I will always leave meal times open."' He finished for me. "Yeah I know."

"Then why did you have to ask?"

"To Segway into seeing if you wanted to talk to Steve tonight?"

"Yes, sounds great." I rushed, wanting to make my next point. "Which reminds me,"

"That's never a good thing," he chuckled.

"No, this isn't bad, honest. Remember last night when I joked about calling you and Steve Barnes and Nobel?"

"Uh, yes." He chuckled.

"Did your family found the bookstore?"

He didn't answer me.



"Did. Your. Family. Start. The. Bookstore?"

"What bookstore?" He asked, trying to repress a smile.

I crawled over the bed to where I was now straddling him and hit his chest lightly.

"James Buchanan Barnes, answer the question."

"My grandpa opened it with his brother and some other guy in 1886."

"Do you get free books?"

"What? No." He answered, his hands finding a their way up to my hips, holding me there. "I've kind of been off the grid since 1945."

"Did you used to get free books?"


"That's all I needed to know," I said giving him a quick kiss before climbing off his lap and waking towards my bathroom.

"Where are you going? I wasn't done with you yet."

"Busy busy schedule ahead of me Buck. Gotta take a shower and get ready for today." I hummed, peaking my head through the door frame.

"Can I at least join you?" He asked, sitting up in the bed.

"Umm," I said tapping my chin. "I think I'm good, maybe next time."


"Why are you so giddy this morning?" Peter asked as I walked outside where we were training today.

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