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I haven't been able to stop thinking about what Bucky said this morning all day. Was he really hinting at the both of us dating Steve? The three of us dating each other? Steve dating the both of us? Polyamory?

After pacing back and forth in my room for at least two hours, I threw open my door and ran down the hall to Bucky's quarters.

"Bucky, let me in. We need to talk." I yelled banging on his door.

He opened the door quickly, so quickly that I didn't have time to react and fell right into him. Luckily he caught me before I face planted onto the floor.

"Yes?" He asked, closing the door behind us as we walked into his room.

"You know exactly why I came down here." I said, angrily poking him in the chest.

He smirked and moved my hand off of his chest, holding it in his own instead. "I got inside your head."

"I haven't been able to think about anything else all day. I was working down in the lab with Tony and kept saying orgasams instead of organisms. He probably thinks I'm half stupid at this point."

He just chuckled. "So what are you doing to do about it?"

"I don't- I don't know. I have so many questions." I said, walking past him and going to sit on his couch.

"Like?" He asked, sitting beside me and resting his hand on my knee.

"Well first of all, how would we even bring this up to Steve?"

"I think Steve is going to be a lot more receptive to the idea than you think he will be," Bucky sighed. "So we just sit him down and talk about it."

"Okay...and who would be dating or whatever who?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, his hand subtly moving up on my leg.

"Like, would Steve be with the both of us, me with the both of you, or three three of us with each other?"

He chuckled again and just shook his head.

"What? I think it's a pretty valid question."

"If you haven't noticed doll," he said, using his metal arm to tuck my falling hair behind me ear. "I'm pretty infatuated with you, more so than I am with Steve."

Once again, I thanked the gods for my dark skin so that he couldn't see my blushing.

"And I'm no empath, but I think you feel the same way."

"That wouldn't be a false accusation," I admitted.

"So then," he stated, his hand once again moving closer up my thigh. "Does that answer your question."

"Yes," I answers, putting my hand on top of his. "But I also have so many more questions now."

"There's no time like the present to ask them." He whispered, his face dangerously close to mine.

"I-I can't remember what they were," I said, feeling suddenly hot. My gut tightened and it felt like every nerve in my body was doing the tango. I let go of Bucky's hand quickly and the sensation lessened, I grabbed his hand again, and the feeling was even more intense than it was before I let go.

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