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When I pictured my wedding night eons ago as a child, I never imagined I'd be sitting in my bed alone with a bottle of whiskey watching my husbands, plural, fight over who gets to devirginize me.

It's gone on for about thirty minutes now, and I haven't had the heart to tell them that technically, like medically, I wasn't a virgin. It's been kind of entertaining to watch them argue key points to each other about who was best fit, pun not intended, to fuck me first.

After another ten minutes of them arguing, I sat the whiskey on the night stand on opened the drawer, pulling out ole reliable and throwing it between them.

"As fun as it's been watching you fight over who gets to be the first to deflower me, I'm afraid that Joey beat you to it years ago."

The looks on their face were priceless and my joy in stumping them lasted all of ten seconds before they switched the topic of there argument to which one of them got to go first in general.

"Well it's been a long day, so I'm going to take a nap. Y'all wake me up when you've made a decision."

They didn't budge. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, this is ridiculous." I said climbing off the bed and waking over to where they were, pushing the both onto the edge of the bed. "Sit down and shut up."

"Yes ma'am." They spoke at the same time, both wearing looks of shook and a little lust on their faces.

"Don't move." I said, walking over to the closet and grabbing Bucky's arm that I stashed in here before the bulk of the party began.

"Since neither of you can make a decision, and I would very much like to be fucked into oblivion. I've decided to make the decision for you." I said, handing the box to Bucky.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Well it was just supposed to be something nice for no special occasion, but now consider it a wedding gift."

"How is this going to help us make a decision?" Steve asked.

"Because my dear Steve," I said grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him closer to me. "I don't have anything to give you but myself."

"So I get to go first?"

"Unless you have a problem with that?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

"N-no ma'am. I do not."

"Then why are we still wearing clothes?"


"Relax, that's normal for her."

"What do you mean it's normal? Blacking out during sex is not normal."

"For her it is because she's an empath. You try having three orgasams at the same time and see if you don't black out."


"Yes, yours, mine, and hers. All at the same time." I could hear the smirk in Bucky's voice as I started to come too. "It's actually a pretty cool party trick."

"That's is not a party trick." I said, finally waking up and glancing between the two of them.

"It is when I do this," he smirked before grabbing my hand and putting it on Steve's knee. I furrowed my eyebrows at him before he leaned in and pulled Steve towards him by grabbing the back of his neck, using the other hand to gently caress the tip of Steve's semi-hard on. Steve and I groaned at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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