Dabi x Hawks (subs Hawks)

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dom: dabi

sub: hawks

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btw Hawks calls Dabi 'daddy' even out of littlespace aswell.

Hawk's POV

I was eating dinner with Dabi, and felt a bit sick.

"Hey daddy?" I ask him, as he looks up from his food.

"Yeah babe?" He responds, setting down his fork.

"I'm feeling a bit sick..." Dabi's eyes widen, and looks over at my milk, face-palming.

"I forgotttt... ughhh!" I look at him, scared he's mad. "Your lactose intolerant!" I get scared, and slip into little space.

"Am I gonna be otay daddy?!?!" I say, panicking.

"Oh yes baby, you'll be fine! You just need uhm... some medicen!" He jumps up, running to the bathroom. He runs back to me, kneeling down beside my chair. "Here you go princess. Eat this, okay?" I nod, still cring.

"O-otay daddy..." I take the pill from him, and swallow it, as he hands me some water to help it not hurt. "Is me gonna die?" I ask, closing my eyes.

"Of course not princess! You'll be just fine!! Want some cuddles and kisses?" I nod. He picks me up out of my chair, and climbing the stairs

"Want teddy?" I nod, and daddy sets me on the bed, searching franticlly for teddy. Once he finds him, and hands him to me, he tucks me into a cacoon in my favorite blankie. He climbs in next to me, and gets under the covers, holding me gently, yet firmly, close to him.

"Alexa play nursery rhyms for babies" Our Alexa starts playing soft, sweet, nursery rhyms, making me yawn.

"Hows your tummy feel princess?" Dabi asks, rubbing my stomache.

"Hurt..." I say numbly.

"Oh honey... I wish the hurt could go away..." He kisses my cheek and forehead, while rubbing my back.

-14 hours later-
-both fell asleep-

Dabi's POV

I wake up, and look over at the clock. 8am. I sigh, and shake my baby boy awake.

"Wake up princess" He sturs, and eventually using a hand to elevate himself, and flip on his back.

"Do I have to..?" He whispers grumpily.

"Yes princess, now get up for daddy." He nods, sitting up.

"My tummy hurts daddy..." He says. He's still in littlespace, but an older age.

"It'll be okay princess. If you want, we can have you take another pill. You can have another one in about an hour." I say, lifting him onto my lap. He thinks for a moment.

"I'm okay daddy, but thank you." I smile, and he returns it weakly.

"How old are you right now princess?" He thinks for a bit, counting his fingers.

"Uhmm 6." He blinks, and rubs his eyes. He's very bratty at 5-7 usually, but right now he's being very nice.

"I want to see Miri.." I shake my head, and place a long, gentle kiss his on his lips.

"Your sick princess. You need to be more relaxed, and Miriko is not one of relaxation." (did i spell it right? its the bunny-looking hero:) ) He whines, and kicks his feet.

"But I wanna see herrrrr!" And there's the brattiness.

"Princess, you obey daddy." I put my hand on his thighs to stop him, but he slaps it away, sticking out his tounge.

"Keigo. If you keep doing that, you'll never get to see Miriko, let alone leave this house." He stops kicking almost admediatly. (spelling TnT) He's making the angriest face he can muster, and it's more cute then mad.

"Daddy's evil!!" He yells out, crossing his legs.

"Princess, daddy's not evil. I'm trying to help. Now please calm down. Being angery and sick at the same time will cause you lots of stress. Please stop yelling." I slap his thigh, making him scream.

"WHY YOU DO THAT!??! DADDY NO LOVE ME!" I sigh, and pull him close to me, laying him on my chest. He burries his face in my chest.

"I did it because your being a brat. Do I need to put you in timeout?" He looks up at me, and shakes his head. "And princess, I do love you but sometimes bratty babies need to be reminded that daddy's the one who makes the decisions. Got it?" He nods sadly, and hugs me, burying his head in my chest again.

"Now, let's get you some breakfast. What would you like?" He thinks for a second.


"Magic word?" I say, petting his hair.

"Can I please have berries daddy?"

"Of course princess."

Ight, so this sucked... Hope you enjoyed! Also sorry for not posting in a while! I was at my cousin's house playing video games for a week

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