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My alarms starts ringing at 6:30. I ignore it and go back to sleep. Half an hour later my dad barges into my room. " Skylar wake up! Calum's already outside waiting for you!" My dad cant leave a girl alone. I get up so fast that I'm dizzy. I quickly brush my teeth, put my hair up in a messy bun, and throw on some ripped jeans and a rolling stones shirt. I grab two granola bars, open the door and see him sitting on the stairs. I toss him a granola bar."Sleeping in huh?" he asks trying to get on my nerves. "Shut up," I respond with a small smile. Me and Calum have known each other since we were small. We are best friends, but we are totally different. I'm from Maryland, he's from Australia. I have blonde hair, he has Black hair. But we know each other so well. "coffee?" he asks me in a smooth voice. "Why not?!" I scream for the whole Apartment to hear. I live on the 4th floor room 2B and he lives on the 4th floor room 3B. We live in Baltimore, Maryland. Calum moved here when he was like, five. We speed walk into the Starbucks, and Calum orders our usuals. We had 15 minutes till first period, and we had a five minute walk to school. We sip our Frapuccino's and walk through the front door's. Me and Calum give each other a fist bump and walk different ways. I'm a junior and he's a senior. We only see each other at lunch, well during school. And lets say we are not the most popular in school. Well Calum is pretty popular. But me, not so much. Whenever I hang out with Calum, all the girls are jealous. I dont know why they are falling for such a little squishy punk like him.

After a normal, boring day at school, Calum and I meet up by the front doors. He always gives me a hug and asked me how my day was. I always say "fine," in a bored voice. Calum would've been driving us home but his car is in the shop. So we called my mom and she came and picked us up. My mom loves Calum. He calls her Mom, and she calls him "babe." When we got home me and Calum got a bowl of grapes to share and tea. I throw grapes at him and he throws them back. Some nights like tonight, after we finish our home work, we watch a movie and end up falling asleep on the couch. My head is on his shoulder and his arm around me.

The next mornings always end up giggly and crazy. We woke up early to make pancakes, we totally forgot it was Saturday. We realized that when my dad wasn't freaking out that we weren't at school.

I invited my friend Cecilia over, but when ever i'm with Calum, which is almost all the time, all my friends just sit there. On their phones trying to get out of an awkward situation. Cecilia was somewhat different because she likes Ashton who is Calum's friend, so she and Calum get on pretty well. And me and Cecilia have been friends with Calum since middle school so it isn't too awkward. When she left, me and Calum went penny boarding and almost got hit by a car. At 5:00 pm, Calum had to go to work at the gas station, or "servo" as he calls it. Whenever Calum leaves after a long time, I feel really lonely. He is my other half.

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