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My alarm started buzzing at 6:30, this time I don't ignore it and got up really fast. I was really excited to go to school today to see if anyone saw the videos of us preforming. Once I was ready, I grabbed two granola bars and head out the door. I toss Calum one. "Good morning babe," he says with a scratchy voice. "Good morning", I jumped on his back and he piggy backed me down the stairs, he fell and bruised his shoulder but he claims he's "fine." When we got to school everybody was smiling at us. This kid Brad comes up to me, "Hey Skylar, do you want to hang out after school today?" I look over to Calum to see his response, his eyes widen as he pulls me over to talk to. He reminds me that this was the kid who threw a chair at a teacher, twice. "I'm a little bit busy today, maybe another time?" I say trying to be polite. He gives Calum a dirty look, "Is their something wrong mate?" Calum asks. What the heck did he just do, that was over sassy for him. Brad comes over and starts punching the crap out of Calum. I'm screaming for help, when Calum's trying to push me back and get me out of it.I see a bunch of girls holding phones up video taping, I smack all their phones down, cracking the screens.Cal gives me a wink knowing what he's going to do. He grabs the kids foot and flips him over, claiming victory. Brad is on the ground basically crying. I run to Calum, "So do you still wang to hang out Skylar?"Brad asks. "Yeah, sure, I'll hang out with you after you beat up my best friend," I kicked his leg, and put my arm around Calum. I started mumbling things about the little twerp. Calum stops me and kisses me. This wasn't a kiss on the check, this was a full born kiss. I back up and realize his shoulder was bleeding and even more bruised. "I've never had a guy fight for me," I say while wiping up the blood. He smiles,

"And I've never had a girl break some ones phone for me." we quietly laugh and walk down the hall.

After that I immediately feel in even more love with Calum. Ashton comes up with his mouth open, "What happened to you?!" He asks. "I got in a little bit of a fight," he says while looking at me. "Why?!" Ashton asks with concern. "He was a risk to my best friend!" he says. I give him a friendly punch in the shoulder. He winces, I forgot what just happened. I say sorry while patting it. "Your good,"he says. He goes in for another kiss and Ashton smiles and walks away to tell Cecilia. He takes my hand and every one scrambles to class not wanting to mess with Cal. We walk down the hallway and out the doors.The teachers had to suspend Calum at one point, but they did'nt really care if he left in the middle of the day. Its not like they liked Brad anyway.

We went back to my house. My mom called saying she got an email from the school that me and Calum left early. I explain to her the whole thing that happened. She didn't really care. Calum's mom didn't care either since he was fighting for me. I got an ice pack out from the freezer for Calum. It was bleeding right were his tattoo was. He looked at it and sighed.

After a while of being bored we went to the local diner. We walked in and Ash was their, he waved at us telling us to come and sit. "Hello, love bugs," he says while raising his eyebrows. Calum roles his eyes and I giggle. I love Ash, he's always their to make you laugh, and if that doesn't work he has the sweetest smile.

Calum looks at the menu and I look around the diner. I suddenly see Brad and start to panic. I didn't want Calum to know he was here but I wanted Ash to know. I nudge my head towards him so he can see. He looks and does a silent gasp. Brad walks by and puts his hand on my shoulder, "Hey, Guys!" he says with a creepy voice. Calum recognizes the voice and turns his head towards him. "Take your hand off her," Calum demands, but Brad doesn't move. Calum puts his hand on my knee for protection. No one moves or says anything accept Calum. He put his arm around me, As everyone throws trash at Brad. So as you can tell, no one likes this kid.

He runs out the diner with trash all over him, "SUCKER!" Ashton yells.

Calum laughs and uses the hand thats around my shoulder to twirl my hair. And I've never felt more secure and loved in my life.

Man, I love Australian punks.

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