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Wednesday. March 11,2015. The day everything changed.

It was a regular school day, i was in english working on an assignment. All of a sudden i realize i was in a group chat with anonymous number's. They were all against me.
bad singer, is what they said.
i take criticism easily.
i lost all due respect to my self, and felt like i didn't belong on this planet.
i not I, meaning i am not important than other girls.
When i got home i sat in my room.

Cal had to work an early shift so he couldn't stop me.

i cut.

its the only thing i felt was right.

When Cal got home he realized i wasn't my self. He grabbed my wrist and inspects. i look away trying to stall. i notice a tear fall down his cheek, i haven't seen Calum cry since his grandad died. "why?" he asks with a shaky voice.

"people say things cal, they arent the nicest things."

He grabs my wrist that was still bleeding. He had blood all over his hands but he didn't care. We walked into Target and he grabbed a pack of bandages, a sharpie, and some bracelets.

We walk out the store and he pulls me on to the curb to sit. It was almost like he was mad at me. He puts a bandage on the cuts and kisses it. Then he takes the sharpie and rights " i'm your reason - cal". He puts the bracelets on top and hands me the sharpie. Calum bought all of this with the money he just got, he worked extra and wasted it all on me.
"whenever you feel you need to cut your self, draw something beautiful instead."
"i love you," we both mumble at the same time.

"promise me you will never do this again, I need you," he says looking into my eyes. We pinkie promise and walk home.

Now Calum never leaves my side.

He is my reason, my excuse. His hands were still bloody, people thought he was a murderer in Target.

But he didnt care. Because of me.

We got to my house and he washed his hands.

"Skylar," he says. I turn my head that was light headed from the loss of blood.

"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

I start to blush as I walk up to him at the counter. Our lips touch and we fell into a deep kiss. After about a minute we push back, and have our foreheads touching. "morning breath," I mumble when a smile comes to my face again.

"Thats my girl," Calum says.
Everything changed, again.
Back to reality.
But a different reality.
A better one.

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