2 days on the train

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As we got on the train there was all kinds of food and there was beautiful furniture and all kinds of decorations. Now we will get to the government in about 3 days. Mary said with a smile. When Willow and James sat on the bench on the train Willow scooted over to him slowly and said. Hey! How've you been? Umm, do I know you? James asked. Yes, you do! Remember we used to play every day when we were little? Oh ya now I remember you. I have been pretty good except for the fact that no one talks to me cause Im unhuman. James said staring at the ground. Well it's ok we can get through this together I know we can. Willow said trying to cheer James up. Ya I guess we might be able to I mean you know how to use a sword, spears and even a bow! James replied excited. Yes I do and you are very strong and you know how to make traps. Willow responded smiling. Well I'm gonna get some sleep see ya in the morning. She said. Ya same. Night. James replied. As Willow was getting ready for bed she heard a thud in her closet. She froze in the middle of brushing her long Brown hair with light brown highlights from playing in the sun. She slowly set her brush down on her dresser then tip toed over to her night stand and grabbed her knife that she always keeps with her for defense. Then after she grabbed her knife she tip toed over to her closet then she swung the door open and held the knife in front of her self and right then a cat came jumping out of the closet. She jumped back and almost screamed but saw that it was just a cat so she calmed down. She sighed in relief then went and put her knife away. Then she heard a soft knock on the door. She said aloud. Who's is it? In response she heard. It's James. May I come in. She quickly put on a robe then went to her door and checked to make sure it was him then let him in. Whats wrong?
She asked. Oh nothing I just wanted someone to talk to. Cause when something like this happens I get scared and need to talk. He replied. Oh well can we talk tomorrow (yawn) cause I'm really tired and I just found a cat in my closet. Hahaha. They both laughed. Ya I guess. He said. K night. She replied in a soft voice since she was really tired. The next morning she woke up and looked out the window of the train and saw they were still going. She got out of her bed got dressed then brushed her hair looked in the mirror and said to her self. Look at me. I'm hideous. Then just then Mary walked In and said. Oh sweetie your not hideous. Your beautiful. Just because your not like everyone else doesn't mean your not beautiful. Oh thanks Mary but I'm not pretty I'm kinda glad I'm here so I can have a chance to change my face.
Hmm well I love your face and I'm sure I'm not the first to say that. Now come on we have a lovely breakfast of bacon, pancakes, eggs, orange juice and we can put chocolate in your pancakes if you'd like.
Oh I love chocolate! Willow replied.
Well then I guess that's a yes on the chocolate pancakes then hahaha. Mary said while giggling as she walked away. Then Willow looked back at the mirror and said to herself.
Was Mary being serious about my face being pretty? And was ginger serious.
Hmm, I might never know.
Well I better get to the diner.
Hey Willow! James said as he was walking up to me. Hey I said in response. Did you hear that they have chocolate pancakes?! He asked me. Yes I did I told Mary that I loved chocolate so she said she would tell the cooks to put some in them for me. Cool. James said.
After breakfast me and James just sat there doing nothing cause there wasn't anything to do. After a while it was time for bed I didn't eat lunch and only had a snack for dinner so I just went to my bedroom. I got ready for bed and then sat near the window. And just then I started to think about Ginger and Lucy and then I thought what if I don't win?
What if I die.
What if I can't go home?
That will break gingers heart.
All these questions were flooding my mind.
Then i started to cry. I laid down on my bed and cried for about a half hour. Then I heard a knock on my door again i sat up instantly and wiped the tears from my eyes and asked how was there and no one responded. Then I said again. Who is it? Nothing. I grabbed the knife once more and slowly walked to the door.
I was no longer crying for anger had filled me at who thought it was funny to knock and then run away. After I got to the door I peeked out the peep whole and no one was there.
I decided to lock my door then I went to bed. Then I woke up in the middle of the night to knocking on my door again this time I got up quick and ran to the door I looked out he peep whole and no one was there once again.
I was full of anger now.
But I calmed down and went back to sleep. I woke up in the morning and looked out my window and we were approaching the government. I got nerves and started breathing hard. I got dressed really fast then left my room and ran to Mary and asked her what was going on.
Mary replied. Well we seemed to have gotten were sooner then we thought.
Thanks so much for reading I hope you like it please tell your friends! Add and comment if you like it!

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