Some action

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Ok I think we should eat. James said. Ya I agree. After we ate I asked James how his leg was doing. " eh it's doing ok I guess". He said.
After sitting for a while I decided to go hunting and James wanted to come. When we were walking I heard a loud bang and then branches breaking. I turned instantly and grabbed my bow. When I turned around I saw a boy at the age of about 13 on the ground laying still. I ran over to him but handed my sword to James incase he needed it.
I leaned over to the boy and shook him.
But he didn't answer.
I finally decided to slap him.
Not to be mean just to wake him up.
I hesitated but then I hit him and closed my eyes. Then I slowly opened them when I did I saw him awake he instantly looked at me grabbed a knife and threw it at me.
Hey guys I'm so sorry that this chapter is really short but I hope you liked it. I'm also sorry that I haven't published a chapter in a while. I just had writers block.

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