V. Jealous

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Waking up with something heavy on her waist, she groaned and sat up. She looked beside her finding a man who's still sleeping peacefully. He looks cute. She bent a little to his level and tickle his nose.

"Yoongi-ahh, wake up.... It's already morning." The man slowly opens his eyes, having a sight of a young, beautiful lady. He didn't react at first, but suddenly, he go out of the bed that cause him to scream in pain and hold his head.

"H-hey! What happened? Why am I here with you? Did you rape me?!" Y/n widened her eyes and screams back at him while also standing up.

"How dare you?! I only helped you last night because you looked so much drunk and you also told me that you are sleepy that's why I bought you here. When I layed you on this bed, you hugged me tightly and as I am also sleepy, I decided to sleep next to you in the same bed. I have no choice. Just thank me I still save you from getting more drunker than accusing me of raping you, you little ungrateful cat!" She said in one breathing that made the man scratch his nape. He didn't expect her to be this defensive.

"Okay, okay. I understand. I'm sorry. I don't remember anything." He looked at her with a face that shows sincerity on his words. He actually don't remember anything that had happen last night. From all of his flirtings to those hoes up to how he ended up here in her room.

"You should be. Hmmm, let's forget about this. Come, let's go downstairs. The maids may have cooked our breakfast already." He didn't say anything and just stand there, embarrassed of what he did last night. He doesn't truly remember anything, but he knows he did a big, big mistake.

"O-okay." The only thing he said before they made their way out. Y/n holding on his arm to assure him everything is okay, and him having an awkward smile, not sure of how he should react after the incident. They stepped down the stairs being met with only the other boys including a Jimin who has death glares in his eyes upon them.

Y/n's POV

"How was your night? Did you both enjoyed it? You had fun?" He spits which hang us confused, looking at each other as if our minds just flew out of our heads. We made a telepathy of what is Jimin saying. But, no one knows the answer.

"Jimin, may I know what you are talking about?" I asked a little careful as he is pissed. He chuckled and gave me his full gaze of anger.

"Didn't I tell you to call me Jiminie? Why are you disobeying me, Y/nie? Why did you sleep with a guy you don't even know? Didn't my father tell us to always stay with each other?" I felt weak in my knees. I just pissed him off. But, why would he not let me sleep with Yoongi that he trust the most, when he just slept with a girl I don't even know? He's acting as if we are something. Is he jealous?

"For your information, I saw him so drunk last night and bought him up to my room so he will be comfortable. I just slept next to him because I have nowhere to sleep when you are sleeping with your to--"

"Is that all the reasons you have to sleep next to him?" He asked with a deep-husky voice while looking at me intensely.

"Yes! At least w-we didn't do anything stupid like you did last night." I said and run to the garden as fast as I can.

Author's POV

"Yahh! Come back here!" He started to chase after her. He is burning out of anger and jealousy.

"Hyung, tell us what happened with you and Y/n." A boy asked Yoongi with a serious-demanding look. He doesn't know what to say as he don't know what happened.

"Nothing. Nothing happened, I swear. Maybe Jimin is being overprotective of his sister as he is a jerk, Namjoon." He sit next to the man and made himself relaxed, trying not to think of the things that just happened.

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