XXIV. Daddy Mode

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"Where are we going now, Jimin?" The day is almost ending and Jimin's surprises are still overwhelming Y/n.

Walking outside when the wind is strong and the temperature is chilly, made Y/n run shivers down her spine. Her dress was dancing with the wind while her eyes are covered by her boyfriend's hand.

"Keep walking, baby. We're almost there." She roar out a groan, tired of all the walking that's too much for an almost 9 months pregnant like her.

"Okay, step a foot up." Jimin instructed that made her still and confused.


"I said, step a foot up. We're going up on stairs." She frowns, holding his arm tightly that's wrapped around her waist, protecting her and their baby cautiously.

"Damn, you should've told me we're going out to do some exercise today." Jimin chuckles, holding her close to him.

"Okay, we've reached the top."

He dragged her more, her hands not leaving his arms as their stride deep into the place.

Jimin stops, removing his hand from her eyes.

"Can I open my eyes already?" She asks, eyes closed innocently. It made Jimin giggle.

"Yes, my love."

Slowly, Y/n opens her eyes. She didn't have to adjust much with the sunlight as it's almost nowhere to be seen, the surroundings becoming darker as time passes by.

"Where are we?" She asks, in awe finding herself in the middle of a clubhouse in what seem a subdivision with no house build in it yet.

The place was surrounded of clear glass, enabling them to see everything outside. Y/n was so confused, mesmerized of the beauty and tranquility of the place. It was her first time to see a place so wide as this with nothing but streets, grasses and trees, and this big clubhouse they're in.

"What's this?" She asks, glaring at Jimin playfully. "Don't tell me..." Her smile was instantly washed out of her face, being replaced by pure shock, lost for words. Her hands reaches over her mouth, everything sinking in her like a bombshell.

"And if I say yes?" Her eyes almost jump out of their sockets, as if her world stops, only her and Jimin are moving. "I know you'd not like the idea of moving out of our house but baby, I have many more waiting for us. Right here where we stand, it's all yours. Everything here is yours. And I want us to build our home here. We will live for the rest of our lives right here, creating many more memories with our children." Y/n bursts out for like nth time of the day, taking Jimin in her warmest embrace, soaking his shirt. "Oh, gosh. We're getting so much dramatic these days." He adds, caressing her hair as he gives back the same warmth and tightness of her hug.

"I hate you so much. How can you be like this." She was chuckling while her tears are overflowing.

Jimin felt contended. He knew his life with this woman is about to star a new chapter where everything gets more serious and involves more patience. Still, he's ready for anything as long as it's Y/n who's with him.

"Love," he starts, pushing his body away from her carefully.

Y/n felt cold at the lost of contact, wiping off her tears as Jimin stare her in his most fond expression.

"Why?" She whines pulling him close to her again but Jimin kept his distance. "Jimin, what's wrong? Do you not like me anymore? Because you realize I look ugly when I cry?" He can't suppress his chuckles, taking his thumbs on her cheeks, caressing them lovingly.

"Hell no I would only like you. I love you so much. You mean everything to me. And no, honey, you're not ugly when you cry. You're just as beautiful and maybe much cuter." He reassures in which she roll her eyes and hit his shoulder. "What? I mean it!"

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