8:Guardian Angel

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All in the guys' POV

Ashton(he's 18 in this):I kicked a rock in my way. I picked it up and took out a black marker. I drew a rock and roll face on it. This rock was more punk rock than me now! I giggled and stuffed the rock in my pocket. I was finally alone from the fans. Not that I didn't like them, I just wanted my space. I love our fans. I didn't realize I crossed the street without looking both ways. I heard honks. Screams. And I hit the ground.

My eyes opened and a girl was laying beside me, a hand on my back and side. I helped her up. She was beautiful.

"H-hi, Ashton," the girl said. Her voice was amazing.

"Hi. What's your name?" I asked.

"Y/N," she replied, blushing and looking at her shoes.

"Well, Y/N, thanks for saving my life. Maybe I should see you around." I handed her my number and she grinned.

"Thank you!" She hugged me and we parted. Every time we see each other now, she somehow saves me from dying various deaths. I've started to have a crush on her. Maybe she feels the same way.

Michael(18):I ran through the crowd of my family. The 5SOS Fam. I grinned and laughed. The guards pushed me inside the hotel along with the other guys. I bolted to the pool, stripping down to just my swim trunks I had underneath. Ashton followed me and picked up my discarded clothes. I jumped in the nice cool water. The hotel staff closed it from anyone but us. It was summer and the guys and I were on tour. Suddenly, Ashton grabbed my legs. My arms ached from playing all day and I couldn't rise from the surface. The guy was just trying to play, but I was losing air. My vision went blurry and I felt a feminine pair of arms wrap around me. The next thing I know, a soft pair of lips are on mine and I'm receiving air. Hands press against my chest and push hard. I cough up water. I wheeze.

"MIKEY! I'm sooooooo sorry!" Ashton exclaimed.

"You coulda killed him, Ash!" Luke exclaimed, smacking Ashton's shoulder.

"Luckily this beautiful girl who knows CPR came to the rescue," Calum commented. "How'd you get in anyway?"

"I rushed in since no one was blocking the entrance. You okay, Michael?" An angelic (A/N:I'm so funny) voice answered and asked. I shook out of my trance.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thank you,..."


"Y/N. I'd like to take you out for lunch one time. As a repayment for saving my life." She nodded and blushed.

"I'd like that. A lot."

Luke(18):I walked into Nando's and I got a text. I smiled. It was from Calum.

'When you get back, WE'RE WATCHING A MOVIE! Not Mean Girls, though, you prick'

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I crashed into a girl. Oh, God. My clumsiness and now here comes my shy/awkwardness!

"I'm so sorry, Luke! I'm a big fan! But, I seem to have spilled Cola on your shirt," the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen pointed out.

"O-oh. Okay, t-that's fine," I replied, blushing.

"There's no reason to be nervous around me Luke," the girl said, grinning. Oh, God, her smile made me want to jump off a bridge into a pit of happiness and marshmallows. I suddenly realized I was staring.

"I-it's just that y-you're really pretty," I complimented, blushing so hard, I bet my ancestors could feel it (A/N:I'LL HIT YOU SO HARD, IT'LL MAKE YOUR ANCESTORS DIZZY!). She blushed and looked down and back up.

"Thanks. I'm Y/N."

"Maybe I could take you-?"

"WATCH OUT!" She screamed as she dragged me to an alleyway. She whipped out her phone and dialed 911(999,000 any of those).
"TWO MEN TRIED ABDUCTING US! Thank you, bye," Y/N said into the phone.

"What happened?"

"Two wanted outlaws tried abducting us. They are wanted for murder and other cruel things," she stated, her eyes dead set in mine. I felt a burning passion to kiss her.
Is it wrong that I want to kiss you? I thought.

"What did you just say?" She asked.

"I said nothing."

"Okay..." She replied, smirking and looking at me suspiciously.

"Thanks for saving my life. But, I was asking you before, maybe I could take you to a movie or just for ice cream?" She grinned and I saw small dimples on her face. MUST. RESIST. THE KISS!

"I'd love that."

Calum(18):A strange noise came from my back door. My family was asleep and I didn't want to investigate. But, in case it was a burglar, I grabbed my old baseball bat. I carefully walked to the back door and opened it. I saw two men looking for something. I charged at one witch the bat, but I should have just called the police. I was blindfolded and a rag was placed on my mouth. I went unconscious. When I awoke, two men I had seen at my house were holding guns. They were pointed at me.

"All right, pretty boy, I guess we could hold you for ransom. At least a thousand." One with a nasty voice said.

"Actually, my family is pretty poor," I snapped.

"But they'd pay anything got their precious boy, wouldn't they? And he's a guitarist for a boy band." The other said in a just as nasty voice.

"Bassist and we aren't a boy band!"


"Hey, meatheads! You forgot to lock the door!" A feminine voice sounded. I saw a figure jump down from a table and kick both guys in the groin. I almost felt their pain. I grimaced. The girl untied me from my chair and helped me up. I immediately hugged her afterwards.

"Thanks. Thank you so much! I'm Calum."

"Y/N. And I know who you are. I love your band. But, let's call the police," she replied, smiling. After the police came, I mustered up the courage to ask her something.

"Y/N?" She turned around.

"Yes, Cal?"

"Would you like t-to go out s-sometime?" She grinned bigger than anyone I've ever seen.

"Yeah!" I grinned too.

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