10:You work at a food place

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You skidded to a halt on your roller skates at the car that ordered.

"Sorry for the wait! Enjoy your Sonic meal!" You rolled away after collecting the money. You were sent to a car again and when You arrived, You saw a boy who had tan skin, black, fluffy hair, and brown eyes. He wore a rank top and had tattoos. You rolled to him and set his food in front of him. He looked at you and handed you the money.

"Thanks! It looks good..." He said, still looking at you. He blinked and shook his head. "The food! I mean, I wasn't trying to flirt with you or anything, but I'm not saying you don't look cute or hot I mean, uh...I'm stupid..." He ran his fingers through his hair. You giggled.

"Well, thanks for the compliments. Enjoy your Sonic meal!" You looked at his money and they were paper clipped together with a piece of paper. You unfolded it and it had his phone number. You grinned. That cute, black fluffy haired, awkward talking, tan skinned, Aussie...


Your heels clicked against the hard floor and you handed out the various alcoholic beverages to the party of friendly bikers.

"Thanks, Y/N," one of the bikers named Rick said.

"No problem, Rick! How's your mum doing?"

"Good, getting better! Thanks," he nodded and took a sip of his gin and turned to his friend, Skull, and started talking. You wiped off the counter as a pair of newly weds left. You turned around and a pale white boy with colorful hair sat, looking around with his bright, beautiful green eyes. Your breath hitched in your throat and you mindlessly played with the hem of your tank top. You walked up to him and took out your notebook and pen.

"What would you like, sir?" You asked politely.

"Just a shot of gin, please, and call me Michael," he had a thick Australian accent and you loved it. You winked at him.

"Coming right up!" You told him and you flashed him a friendly smile. You gave him his order and he sat there staring at you and occasionally taking a sip of his drink. You carried on with your job and made drinks, under the green eyes of Michael. When he left, his cash lay on the table with a slip of paper.

'You're cute, I like you. Call me ;)

(Insert phone number here)'

You grinned. All right!


You swirled the ice cream on the cone and sprinkled it with cookie dough and m&m's. You handed it to a little girl named Lucy. She was a regular.

"There you go!"

"Thanks, Y/N!" Lucy said merrily and skipped off, licking her ice cream. You then turned to the cash register.

"I can help whoever is next in line!" You said out loud to the line of people. The first person was a tall boy with aviators, a blonde quiff, a beanie, a hoodie with the hood over his head, black skinny jeans, and black vans. He also had the hottest lip ring.

"Um, I would, um, like a vanilla concrete mixer with gummy bears and banana chips, please," he ordered with a thick, deep, Aussie accent. x1089090888675534342% hotter. You went and made the ice cream and handed it to him. After handing you the money, he held out his hand.

"I'm Luke. Your name tag says your name is 'Y/N' right?" You nodded.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Luke," you took his hand and shook it.


The smell of chicken filled your nostrils. Mouthwatering poultry carried everywhere. You actually were tempted to steal a few pieces of the meal you were carrying. You set it down in front of four boys. One that stood out was a boy with curly brown hair with hazel eyes. He was laughing a most adorable laugh after one told a joke. He looked at you and he stopped laughing. Even after you set his food in front of him, his eyes never left you. The boys started flicking his arms and lightly slapping his shoulders and cheeks. One with colorful hair said,"Earth to Ashton! Need a jump start? Here, I'll rub my socks across some carpet and shock you, okay?"

"So, your name is Ashton?" I asked him. He nodded dreamily and grinned slightly.

"But you can call me anytime," he replied sheepishly. You grinned so much, your face hurt. Your face burned slightly.

"Maybe when you're done eating, we can talk. Here's my number," with that you wrote your number down and handed it to him. As you walked away, you heard cheers from the boys and one with black hair and tanned skin exclaimed,"ASHTON DID IT!! HE GOT A GIRL!"

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